What's your go-to instrument?

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A couple of sequels:

1. One year we stayed overnight with an aunt (the last remaining sibling in my Dad's family) on our way to London for a return flight to SFO. I put the photo on the table, and my aunt immediately recalled Dad's singing for the family's supper. When I asked about the rest of the story, she said that puberty arrived, Dad's voice changed, and that was the end of his singing career.

2. Well into my 30's, my parents came to stay with us in California on a vacation. Around the same time, a friend and good singer from Wales was in town, and he came over for dinner. He and I started singing, as all Welshmen do when they get together. My parents commented that they hadn't heard me sing in my post-puberty voice.

3. Although Dad's voice was long gone, it didn't stop him singing well into retirement. He would often get me to join him to entertain folks while on vacation in California.
[quote author=Tom55555]Maybe R rated ...[/quote]

I'll watch it with my eyes closed  :)
Tom, you can keep your eyes open on this one. LOL

I love violins and pianos.


Tom55555 said:
Tom, you can keep your eyes open on this one. LOL

I love violins and pianos.


Wow that is fantastic. She really gets a great sound from her violin. :)) :)) :)) :)) :))
I envy anybody that has the talent/skill to play an instrument, I have a hard enough time playing the radio!
I don't play an instrument anymore, but my cousin plays guitar and he basically defaults to Lamb of God.
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