Hello, I'm a new member from Europe

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Right, I am aware of that. The legal problem is that you can be asked to show evidence you will comply, e.g. pre-planned shipping arrangements. Especially since you are stating that you expect to stay right up to the limit. It is my understanding that US Customs and the US DOT are quite fussy about the distinction between a visit and importing a vehicle permanently. And that the vehicle will be confiscated if for any reason it does NOT exit the USA on time. But that's your worry, not mine. I'm just looking at the insurance point of view and the fact that you will not have a US-based vehicle registration or a US-based driving license to show a US insurer. Many agents will not know how to write a policy in that case, even if the insurer permits it. And more than a few insurers will not accept it anyway.

Another consideration is that most US states have a limit on the time they will accept a visitor's driving license. 30-90 days is typical. You will probably be moving around that you won't be in any one state longer than that, but don't be surprised if the question arises. Especially if you use the friends address in other legal documentation.

This article may help.

It may be useful to inquire with a US insurance agency in a region where foreign visitors with vehicles are more common. Examples might include the US-Mexico border towns, Detroit, Michigan, or Seattle, Washington. I also came across this website that claims to arrange insurance for foreign visitors.

That's very kind of you Gary.

Progressive wouldn't offer a quote due to a 'foreign license'. The Bank Rate site couldn't handle me not having a US background and although I started to complete the automated form it ground to a halt when the vehicle models listed didn't include the base that our RV A class was built on. In fact it only listed cars/autos and neither RV manufacturers or their base vehicles.

Really appreciate you taking the trouble to find these details, at some point something will work.

Many years ago I worked in a re-insurance company in the City of London, today started to think about some of the companies we insured. Some were tiny and very specialised, it may be that's what I need rather than large national ones.

Next week I'll call the shipping agents to ask about the insurer they recommend who haven't as yet responded. Maybe over the phone they will be a bit more forthcoming about how the company operate or even have other ideas.

Thank you
Gas prices in Europe have nothing to do with the price doubling here in the USA over the last 2 months and the increase in expenses for a year trip in a motorhome in the USA. If a member is budgeting for their trip, this needs to be considered as the doubling of fuel costs for such a trip will have a big impact on the expense sheet.
Where I have been (Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Nebraska, and Iowa), fuel prices have not doubled over 2 months. Yes, they went higher a couple of months back, but they are already coming down significantly. Where I am now, they are definitely higher than pandemic levels, maybe $0.75-$1.00 higher than the lows. But they never doubled.
That's very kind of you Gary.

Progressive wouldn't offer a quote due to a 'foreign license'.
I'm not sure which license you're referring to, probably the vehicle license plate, as we only have a UK driving licence and are covered in our American truck and fifth wheel by Progressive.
I'm not sure which license you're referring to, probably the vehicle license plate, as we only have a UK driving licence and are covered in our American truck and fifth wheel by Progressive.

I entered my drivers license as it was on the personal details page. The vehicle licence number wasn't asked for (I think?)
I have asked the insurance agent we deal with if they can help, I should hear back on Monday.
I'm not sure which license you're referring to, probably the vehicle license plate, as we only have a UK driving licence and are covered in our American truck and fifth wheel by Progressive.
You are slightly different though because of the LLC?

Not sure if I tried them, will need to check back my notes. I did call several though and because we were not US residents they would not insure us. Good of you to help. I did wonder if your guy would know of someone.
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Telling someone from Europe that US fuel prices are high will probably cause them to laugh out loud!
Yes, but at least they are not driving a vehicle that on a good day gets 9 MPG! Last time I rented a car in the UK for 28 days, they warned me that the gas prices would upset me. I told them that my current vehicle got 8-9 MPG and I had to fill up a 55 gallon tank! And I am repeating that rental at the end of May. I suspect it will still be cheaper than driving my 32' beast I drive here.

Also, I got an excellent rental price way back last October by shopping around at small towns instead of renting in London or Edinburgh. (Prices are now at least double, so I am not making any changes and am taking my confirmation with me in writing and on my cell phone!)

The secret is to just fill up the tank and not do the math to translate it to dollars or calculate the mpg. Driving through tiny towns and on single-lane roads---PRICELESS! As is the experience this UK visitor will have at least once in his lifetime, so I hope he can work out the details.
I've sent you a private message with their reply and website.
Hope they can help, please let us know how you get on
Why can't you share here for others to see too?

I don't think that's for me to answer Jackie, but possibly as the message was directed directly at me and Tony was protecting my privacy?

I'm more than happy to share the experience be it positive or negative, maybe I'll write it up when a bit further along the process but in my words rather than copy actual correspondance.

I have filled a quote form in but so I'm finding there are a number of details required that are only aimed at the home (US) market, so no real place for our home address or vehicle registration etc. If this doesn't work then I'll be calling them, they are an RV insurance agent specialist, but do they cover the market for imported vehicles driven by visitors?
I'll let the forum know.
Hi Jackie, I didn't know if that's classed as advertising 🤔 or whether the company wants me to post their details to a forum?
Hi Jackie, I didn't know if that's classed as advertising 🤔 or whether the company wants me to post their details to a forum?
Since you're not selling anything, it couldn't be classed as advertising. I can't imagine a company not wanting the free publicity. This forum has countless referrals from RVing customers, and folks share prices charged by different companies, including insurance companies.
I don't think that's for me to answer Jackie, but possibly as the message was directed directly at me and Tony was protecting my privacy?
Nobody was suggesting sharing your private information. My understanding is that Tony was asking an insurance company/broker if they could/would insure you given the facts you've openly shared here.
I wasn't sure if the question was directed at Tony or me, but as I mention above I will be happy to share the experience as soon as something happens.
I wasn't sure if the question was directed at Tony or me, but as I mention above I will be happy to share the experience as soon as something happens.
I think Jackie's message was directed to Tony. But feel free to share what you can, so others can possibly benefit.
Since you're not selling anything, it couldn't be classed as advertising. I can't imagine a company not wanting the free publicity. This forum has countless referrals from RVing customers, and folks share prices charged by different companies, including insurance companies.
Thanks for the clarification. Once I know if the insurance agent I use can offer any assistance, I'll ask them if they mind if I mention their name on the forum.
I'm not trying to be secretive, but in the past when I've recommended services, I've had abuse because others didn't get what they wanted and thought it my fault ☹️
Hence, now I'm a little more cautious, and only recommend if I think they can help.
Thanks for the clarification. Once I know if the insurance agent I use can offer any assistance, I'll ask them if they mind if I mention their name on the forum.
I'm not trying to be secretive, but in the past when I've recommended services, I've had abuse because others didn't get what they wanted and thought it my fault ☹️
Hence, now I'm a little more cautious, and only recommend if I think they can help.
Abuse isn't tolerated here. Meanwhile, going forward you can help avoid folks thinking it's "your fault" by including a simple statement in your recommendations such as: "This is/was my experience, but your mileage may vary".

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