Cats and doors

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New member
Aug 26, 2023
I'm planning on traveling with a couple of cats. I am concerned about one or both of them zooming out the door and disappearing while I am going in/out. Are there any gates/barriers that would allow me to get through one door, close it, and then open the next to make sure that no cat can zoom past me?
I'm planning on traveling with a couple of cats. I am concerned about one or both of them zooming out the door and disappearing while I am going in/out. Are there any gates/barriers that would allow me to get through one door, close it, and then open the next to make sure that no cat can zoom past me?
If you find one let me know! We’re preparing to take 5 cats on the road. We’ve had them microchipped and they’ll wear collars with Apple airtags and we’re leash training them. We’re adding a screen room as well so if they do escape, they’ll have another enclosure to get thru.
Do they run outside at your house? My cats are indoor only at the house and in the motorhome. If they haven’t been outside, they probably won’t ever try; mine haven’t in the 2 1/2 we’ve had them and over 18 months in the motorhome during that time. I would absolutely make sure they are chipped though, just in case. I never wanted to have my cats outdoors due to bringing parasites inside plus the devastating impact cats have on wildlife, especially birds. You can play with your cats inside to get them exercise. Oh, and we are camped right now next to a guy who has 10 cats in his 2008 Prevost! He is the CEO of a cat rescue, managing it remotely. Cool guy, and very happy cats, always indoors.
Do they run outside at your house? My cats are indoor only at the house and in the motorhome. If they haven’t been outside, they probably won’t ever try; mine haven’t in the 2 1/2 we’ve had them and over 18 months in the motorhome during that time. I would absolutely make sure they are chipped though, just in case. I never wanted to have my cats outdoors due to bringing parasites inside plus the devastating impact cats have on wildlife, especially birds. You can play with your cats inside to get them exercise. Oh, and we are camped right now next to a guy who has 10 cats in his 2008 Prevost! He is the CEO of a cat rescue, managing it remotely. Cool guy, and very happy cats, always indoors.
Wow 10?!!! Our cats were all strays who spent much time outdoors before they found us. We’re way out in the country in the middle of farm land.

The 5 coming with us are indoor/outdoor, we actually have 7 but 2 prefer to live in the barn and live on rodents and occasional cans of food from us.

All 5 of them want to go out in the morning and happily come back in at night. They mostly hang out on the front porch or in spaces where I can see them. I guess spending so much time in the wild makes them prefer the cushy life - we’re hoping! We have a 3 night camping trip planned in a couple of weeks. We’ll see if our working with them pays off! (Though I think the door OP is looking for would be great!)
“I never wanted to have my cats outdoors due to bringing parasites inside” There’s a great product called Revolution plus for cats. Keeps all parasites off, including ticks, they die on contact.
Where would you put this double-door thing that is big enough for an adult to stand between the two doors? One of the doors is the existing RV entry, but where is the other one? Are you suggesting an entry foyer extending 2-3 feet inside the RV? Or an attached enclosure on the outside? Something like this, perhaps? Doesn't seem practical to me.

We traveled with our [mostly] indoor cat and recognize that they dive thru a door if that's their whim. It's just something to be caution of.
Where would you put this double-door thing that is big enough for an adult to stand between the two doors? One of the doors is the existing RV entry, but where is the other one? Are you suggesting an entry foyer extending 2-3 feet inside the RV? Or an attached enclosure on the outside? Something like this, perhaps? Doesn't seem practical to me.

We traveled with our [mostly] indoor cat and recognize that they dive thru a door if that's their whim. It's just something to be caution of.
We added a screen room to our “gear”. Works well. I see the door thing as something you’d add to the exterior, smaller than a screen room, but not so sure it exists. We went with what we could find!
We added a screen barrier to the door too:
Maybe install an eyehook inside where you can hook a lead, and leave a collar or harness on the cats that you can clip it to when you're going in and out? Another option is to evaluate where in your setup a baby gate could be attached, but you'd still have to be cautious because although it'll block a quick dart, they can still jump over it. Been there, done gets annoying...I'm very glad my cat has outgrown any desire to run out!
We used to open the Outside door first and leave the screen door shut to prevent the cat from escaping. Then one day she learned to jump out the hole where the inside plastic slide covers the door handles. Good luck they are escape artist. ours got out a few times but never went far if you don't chase them. Cracking open a can of tuna is very enticing to catching an escaped cat.
The issue is real. My kid moved into my RV for about 8 months. His well trained house cats were never interested in getting out of the house/apartment but they obviously did not fell like hanging out in the RV and escaped a couple of times. The bad part of course is they are house cats and easily get disoriented outside.

To me this is a training issue. I got an ironing spray bottle and showed my son how to spray the cats if they even approached the door while he was using it. Cats quickly learned to avoid the opening and closing door. It's also a good idea to teach a cat your "I am annoyed at you/stop what you are doing" sound.

Kinda like a sharp loud Psssst! Trained with bottle and sound soon they will react only to the sound.
We only have one cat so you this might not work for you. Our cat goes outside the RV on a harness and leash only and is never allowed to walk out the door at home or in the RV on her own. WE pick her up and carry her out and sit her down once outside. She has learned this and no longer tries to dart out the door. When she did at first, we carried her back in, sat her down, then picked her up and carried her out. This is the process, even at home. When in the RV, leaving, we make sure she is away from the door. We keep a can of air near the door and just spray it into the air if she come near the door. When we leave the can is moved outside. We carefully open the main door and make sure the screen door is still closed as we open it. If she is near the screen door when we open, a shot of canned air will have her retreating. We never point the can of air directly at her. She is trained now to not go near the door and wait for us to pick her up before leaving. Taking the time to properly teach our pets is the best way to keep them safe. No added barriers needed for us. Chuck
They are inside cats, but... one was adopted from a shelter. He had been picked up as a stray and he would dearly love to go outside but isn't allowed to due to his medical issues.

I am thinking something inside, like a tiny foyer, basically enclosing the interior steps down to/up from the exterior door. Definitely not particularly practical, but as long as it is functional.
Do they run outside at your house? My cats are indoor only at the house and in the motorhome. If they haven’t been outside, they probably won’t ever try; mine haven’t in the 2 1/2 we’ve had them and over 18 months in the motorhome during that time. I would absolutely make sure they are chipped though, just in case. I never wanted to have my cats outdoors due to bringing parasites inside plus the devastating impact cats have on wildlife, especially birds. You can play with your cats inside to get them exercise. Oh, and we are camped right now next to a guy who has 10 cats in his 2008 Prevost! He is the CEO of a cat rescue, managing it remotely. Cool guy, and very happy cats, always indoors.
10 cats urinating in a box inside a motor home. I can only imagine.
We carefully open the main door and make sure the screen door is still closed as we open it.
Sounds like you have worked out an "agreement" between you and your kitty. Good stuff. :giggle:

We do the same with the main screen door but learned quickly that our cat will test every door in the coach to see if there's a screen she can slide open. Never saw her actually escape the the height from which she has to jump to escape from the the windows next to the driver/passenger seat is not insignificant. But hey, that's a cat thing I guess...
They are inside cats, but... one was adopted from a shelter. He had been picked up as a stray and he would dearly love to go outside but isn't allowed to due to his medical issues.

I am thinking something inside, like a tiny foyer, basically enclosing the interior steps down to/up from the exterior door. Definitely not particularly practical, but as long as it is functional.
We had to modify our screen room for what we needed, if you look closely at the photo at the far end, we modified the “door panel”. We needed it to zip from top to bottom instead of bottom to top.
Maybe this could help you if you built some sort of frame for it (watch the installation video):

10 cats urinating in a box inside a motor home. I can only imagine.
The guy uses an automatic litter box with the fancy silica litter. He said he has a regular “backup box,” but they never use it. He showed me a picture of all 10 on the bed after their first trip in the motorhome; they were all lying down looking quite contented.

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