OJ died today

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Has everyone forgotten how great a football player he was. How fast people can turn against someone else simply because the news media says so.

Unless you were THERE, you really do not know what happened and who did what to who. All you know is the media hype that tainted and stained and spilled acid on this man and the public ate it up!

The fact he was acquitted is good enough. The fact he was a great football player, had a dynamite career at one point, and was probably the most important football player during his years as an athlete is how I want to remember the guy!
Has everyone forgotten how great a football player he was. How fast people can turn against someone else simply because the news media says so.

Unless you were THERE, you really do not know what happened and who did what to who. All you know is the media hype that tainted and stained and spilled acid on this man and the public ate it up!

The fact he was acquitted is good enough. The fact he was a great football player, had a dynamite career at one point, and was probably the most important football player during his years as an athlete is how I want to remember the guy!
Remember him how you want.

There are interviews with multiple jurors (all online) where the jurors admit they know he did it and voted to acquit for payback for Rodney King and to stick it to the LAPD.
Remember him how you want.

There are interviews with multiple jurors (all online) where the jurors admit they know he did it and voted to acquit for payback for Rodney King and to stick it to the LAPD.
If that was true I'd think the prosecution would have asked the judge set aside the verdict. The jury voted not guilty, right or wrong, legally it stands. The man died of cancer, that's a painful way.
Got any documentation links?
OJ was a sad commentary on our screwed up justice system, the murder investigation was screwed up all around, the state failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, they relied too much on then new DNA evidence that merely proved he was at a location where he admittedly frequently went. Then a few years later a Nevada judge decides to take it upon himself to correct matters and sends him to prison for 9 years for saying , nobody leaves this room until we get this sorted out referring to some potentially stolen sports memorabilia, declaring the statement as kidnapping, then throwing the book at him.

Note I am not saying he did it or didn't do it, I am just saying the state screwed up the case and failed to prove he did it beyond a reasonable doubt.
Most sane people know he did it but he WAS acquitted in a court of law and that is all that matters. And being acquitted he deserved all the rights and privileges of a free man. Until we find another system for determining guilt or innocence we must accept the outcome of the system we have. I hope that the Goldman, Brown, AND Simpson families can now find peace.
I don't know he did it, and I consider myself reasonably sane, I think he most likely did it, but that is not the same as sitting on a jury and voting guilty because the prosecution proved their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
I don't know he did it, and I consider myself reasonably sane, I think he most likely did it, but that is not the same as sitting on a jury and voting guilty because the prosecution proved their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
He most likely did it but someone (probably a rouge LAPD cop) planted some of the blood samples because it contain a blood preservative (EDTA) used in collecting blood samples. Also, 1.5 mil of blood collected from OJ by the LAPD vanished. The sad thing was there was a ton of untainted OJ's blood samples collected at various locations (along with a lot of other evidence) so the planted blood was not needed and caused reasonable doubt.

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