40M dead?

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and radio propagation.

Now that it is dark here, the band is starting to look a bit better here for me. Now the skip is around a thousand miles. TI7W is 1,378 miles from here in Costa Rica. Now I am getting replies to every one of my CQs. My auto CW keyer I keep set for "/M" as I only have /6, /7 & /M programed in. I change to "/5" when I get replies.
What is the maximum power you guys are allowed to use?
The FCC allows 1500 watts peak envelope power into the antenna on most bands. That's about 750 watts average RF power. Most hams run about 100-200 watts or less which is not as low as it seems because the level at the receive end responds logarithmically to the transmitter power.
What is the maximum power you guys are allowed to use?
Depends on the band. Most bands are legal at 1KW DC input. But there is a 200-watt limit on 30 meters. And on some other bands it can also be different. So it varies with the band.

I normally run around 100 Watts RF output. I am running 110 watts on 40 & 80 meters mostly on this trip.

I am running my little KX2 to a KXPA100 RF Amp to a TW4040 portable vertical dipole antenna that is great for RV use. Only takes a couple of minutes to set up.



-Don- AA6GA/5 Mission, TX
That happened to me on Field Day a few years ago, I was camped in the mountains and had some nice antennas in the trees. Where did all the signals go? The band was full a few minutes ago. Went so far as to go outside the camper and see if the antenna had fallen down, tried a different antenna then checked them from the radio end with an analyzer to see if the coax was bad. No internet so I didn't find out about the solar flare until after the bands came back and I heard other ops mentioning it. It was one of my better Field Day setups and I was ready to do battle but spent a good chunk of the time putzing around camp until the bands came back. Oh well...

Camped out with the scouts again a couple weeks ago, and 40M was our bread and butter band for most of the morning despite there being the CQ WW contest going on. When the kids weren't around I worked a pageful of contest Q's, and netted coast to coast, Hawaii and Japan on 40. So for 40 to come up short I think it literally takes a solar flare, even mobile I've done very well with that band even mid day. For my POTA activations this year I've been mostly working 20M but 40 gets a turn and I had a nice run on 17 for a while.

Mark K5LXP
Albuquerque, NM
40M is really dead today from here.
At what time? Yesterday I was on 7.128 MHz* with our daily morning net (SSB, of course) between 13:00 Z and 14:00 Z. Tuning up and down the band I found a handful of other signals, but not a lot. A little prior to the net I heard a station (couldn't tell where from) calling CQ Japan.

Of course propagation was probably a tad different from your location compared to that in the Denver area. I'm in DM79.

*We quickly had to switch to 7.140 because of QRM on 7.126 (putting them out of band).

P.S. I see it got better later.
At what time? Yesterday I was on 7.128 MHz* with our daily morning net (SSB, of course) between 13:00 Z and 14:00 Z.
I don't do early mornings unless it's just after midnight, before I usually hit the sack. Or sometimes around now, 0900 hrs local time. I found 40M totally dead, even on RBN in the later afternoon here. Dead until it started to get dark and then just a bit later there was so much activity that there was QRM all over the band.

It's not rare for nobody to be on 40 Meters during the day, but then RBN will usually still show I am hitting many sites. But yesterday, nothing at all even on RBN until it started to get dark here. I mean nothing other than that 1 db signal that I only occasionally got to Ko7SS on Lemmon Mtn, AZ and most times, not even that. It's the worse day conditions I ever experienced on 40M. If it were not for the RBN, I would have simply expected nobody was on. CW is a rather dying mode these days as there is NO incentive for anybody to learn it. And us older people have been dying off. I think it's ridiculous that CW is no longer a requirement at all for even the Extra Class.

Band looks a little better today for 0900 hrs:


73, -Don- AA6GA/5 from ham grid square EL06te.
At 1300 hrs local, 40 M is only a little better today. Seems signals are only going North and West today and not strong:


-Don- in grid square EL06te
40M totally dead here again today. None of my signals get to any RBN site and no replies to my CQs and not even one signal on the entire band.

But 40M gets extra hot here as soon as it starts to get dark.

At least the rain is over with, and I am now going to check out the park between here and Mexico. The park is less than one short block from here.

-Don- AA6GA/5 Mission, TX
40M was the best I've seen it this morning between 7 & 8 MST, with great signals between here and Dallas, Madison, WI, eastern OK and KS, etc. etc. With the change to DST, the switch from night propagation to daytime occurs an hour earlier so we get the shorter skip earlier, enhancing our net (SSB, central U.S.)
40M was the best I've seen it this morning between 7 & 8 MST, with great signals between here and Dallas, Madison, WI, eastern OK and KS, etc. etc. With the change to DST, the switch from night propagation to daytime occurs an hour earlier so we get the shorter skip earlier, enhancing our net (SSB, central U.S.)
Here, there was nothing even in the phone section. Not a single signal anywhere in the band, no CW, no RTTY, no SSB, no nothing other than the normal QRN. That's from first to perhaps last hour of daylight here. But it sure comes alive when it gets dark. Then I can hear the entire world from here.

73, -Don- AA6GA/5 Mission, TX
You could check 7.121 on Tues/Thur/Sat about 6:40 or 6:45 to about 7:00 Mountain -- a few of our 40M net members get on CW about that time, just before the SSB net. If they're on you'll likely see a 40-CW net listed on Netlogger, with logger/net control, freq, call signs, etc. listed.

But I get the impression that's a tad early for you.
I think part of that might be an artifact of your antenna. You're probably a good 13-15dB down from a dipole, basically it's a mobile antenna. But you run what you brung, would rather operate with a poor antenna than no antenna.

What do you work while on the road? Check into some regular nets, QRP, SKCC, SOTA/POTA or ? (I know it's not contests, HI)

Mark K5LXP
Albuquerque, NM
I think part of that might be an artifact of your antenna.
I doubt it, as the S-N ratio won't be that much different when receiving and I don't hear a thing on the entire band.

When I was 200' below sea level in Death Valley a few years ago, running QRP (before I had the RF amp) I was working one station after the other with 5 watts in the middle of the day with this same antenna.

-Don- Mission, TX
What I have been finding here is during the day the higher frequency bands are hot when 40M is dead. I think the problem with 40M is the day skip is too short for this area and not any hams in that little range.

I was just on the 17M (18 mhz) and the ban is hot during the day, unlike 40M from here. But as soon as it gets dark, 40M becomes so hot that QRM becomes a problem.

Here is 18Mhz from here during the middle of the day:


-Don- Mission, TX
My theory was just proven true. The 40 M band had no signals on it here, but I called a CQ anyway and Ai7R replies overloading my RX from Chandler, AZ around 60 miles from here. 599+++ yet we were the only signals on the entire band. The midday skip on 40M is just extra short these days.

So if there are no spotters and no hams listening within this short skip range, the band seems totally dead. It's just very short single skips, which is usually more common on 80M during the day than on 40M.

73, -Don- AA6GA/7 Gila Bend, AZ 85337

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