A question for full time RVers

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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2015
I was wondering what is the longest that somebody has been a full time RVer?!
How long have you been a full timer?
Is full time RVing something that last for a while, what ever that while is (months, years), and then back to being stationery?
Thanks for sharing,
Some people here have full-timed for many years; others as little as a year or two. Ourselves, we've never actually FULL-timed, but we LONG-timed (5-6 months/year) for 16 years. Our home is in Florida, so we merely park the coach in the side yard for our winter quarters.
I started full timing in 2003 and in 2013 my RV developed a problem with the electronics no one could figure out so I took it as a sign it was time to stop traveling and settle down. I stayed in that class A for a few more years and about 4 years ago I upgraded to a fifth wheel with three slides. So now I have room. I have the most beautiful site in Florida so I am staying here until I die. Full timing is however long you want to make it. I am going on 18 years and loving it.
We started long timing for 9-10 months/year in 2008, and by 2013 we were full timing and still are. We know our time on the road is getting shorter due to age and health considerations. Our "exit plan" is fully in place for when it's needed.
As I recently commented, we woke up one day (2013?) And noticed we were full timing. Bought another MH and kept on trucking. In 2019 we finally sold the S & B (lock, stock, and barrel) and transferred to FL permanently. I expect we will be here until we pass!

We full-timed from 12/97 until 1/2001 and then back to full time in 5/2011 and still going. From 2007 until 2011 were actually lived FT in the motorhome but only traveled 9-15 weeks a year do to continuing to work.

the 97-2001 was all travel time. Since 2011 we spend the winter months on a lot we own in Arizona usually with a trip from Christmas through January to breakup the stay.
I'm a full timer and have been for about 7 years now. I use mine to live in while I'm at work which is rarely close enough to home to be able to drive it. Went from a used TT to a new 5ver in late 2019. We've used it for a few family outings which is nice. I prefer tent camping for pleasure myself but the sleeping accommodations for that hard on an aging body. I will go from a full timer to a part timer when I retire as we have a house in NW Kentucky.
We sold the house and moved into the motorhome in early 2000. In 2010 my wife's medical issues began to be more difficult to deal with so we began to look of a good spot for a home-base to become part-time once more. By the end of 2011 we had a base and reverted to part-time, which we remain today. We still travel seasonally with 4 to 5 months in the RV.
Met a couple who've been full timing for 22 yrs! They still only make reservations 2-3 days ahead but also mentioned the need to be flexible.
I started full timing in 2003 and in 2013 my RV developed a problem with the electronics no one could figure out so I took it as a sign it was time to stop traveling and settle down. I stayed in that class A for a few more years and about 4 years ago I upgraded to a fifth wheel with three slides. So now I have room. I have the most beautiful site in Florida so I am staying here until I die. Full timing is however long you want to make it. I am going on 18 years and loving it.
Is there more land available near you?
We started fulltiming in October 2003, so we're at a little over 17 years on the road. We spent the last year sitting still due to Covid, and are eager to get traveling again but even before Covid, it was getting harder to just flit around without reservations or a plan, and I suspect that now, it's even worse than even just a couple of years ago, when I thought it was becoming problematic.

It will be a shame if that's what drives us off the road, instead of just deciding we've seen all we want to see and want to settle down.
We are approaching 3.5 years of full-timing and have no plans to stop, although recognize stuff happens that can change that. Some people find full-timing after a short period of time is not for them and hang it up, while others have done it for many years and would not think of going back - it is a personal choice.

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