Air conditioner while driving

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Just wondering if anyone has considered putting something like a shower curtain behind the cab seats to isolate the front and keep the dash ac where is is most needed.
catblaster said:
Just wondering if anyone has considered putting something like a shower curtain behind the cab seats to isolate the front and keep the dash ac where is is most needed.
Yes I did have a curtain behind the drivers seat on my class B van. Unfortunately the dash air didn't work but it did keep the sleeping area private.

Will - Glen and his wife are here and looking forward to meeting you and Jane tomorrow morning.
I was obviously wrong in my assumption that you couldn't operate the generator while moving.  Reading the replies to my question makes a lot of sense to me. I have a remote reading thermometer that I use to monitor the ouside/inside temperature while I am camping.  When I'm driving, the sending unit is in the camper so I can see how hot it gets in there, and the camper with all the windows and vents closed stays much cooler than the TV.  I have not driven through hot desert environments with the camper (yet), the first time I do it will be interesting.

Thanks very much for the info.

And CaptSteve, when I was in the Navy it was "Measured with a micrometer, marked with a piece of chalk and cut with a hatchet."  That is what we said they did on the tenders.  We didn't always get what we wanted/expected from them.

in our Minnie winnie we NEVER run the roof AC...its more economical to run the dash AC at full blast for us......fuel consumption is noticeably higher running the genny than dashboard AC

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