Airstream Factory at Jackson Center, Ohio hit hard by hail on March 14

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2017
50 miles south of Atlanta, GA
I was on the Airforum this evening and saw a discussion about a hail storm on March 14 at the factory in Jackson Center, Ohio. When AS realized bad weather of some sort was going to get them, they took all of the new units they could that were outside and packed every building with them. There were, however, at least 22 customer units that had been in for service, repairs, etc, that were parked outside awaiting customer pickup. So far, insurance has totaled 20 of the 22 and are still debating on the remainder of them. There were other customer trailers there also, and the service center and body shop is trying to figure out how to work the repairable ones into the already busy schedule.

The hail was said to be between golf ball and base ball sized. Lots of solar panels took a hit but may have saved the trailers in some cases.

Wow. That's awful. Imagine being ready to pick up your rig and that happening. 😱

We met folks with a brand new huge fifth wheel that they had just collected after their trailer was written off after being damaged in a hail storm in Colorado.
I noticed that they stored their new units first before caring for customers units that they were entrusted with.🤔
My BIL bought back his 5’er after it was written off. Was unable to reinsure it but the price was so low he took the gamble and was prepared to lose his investment. He used the trailer for 8 years with no issues.
Liability ins. will be sold, just not full-coverage. I once looked into buying a salvaged Fleetwood Expedition/Excursion, can't recall which now.
Liability ins. will be sold, just not full-coverage. I once looked into buying a salvaged Fleetwood Expedition/Excursion, can't recall which now.
Often liability for a trailer is included in the tow vehicle's insurance so separate liability coverage isn't needed for the trailer.
I noticed that they stored their new units first before caring for customers units that they were entrusted with.🤔
I'm sure a lawyer could explain it, but I suspect it has to do with the service agreement and waiver you sign when you drop the unit off for service. Just like a car dealership shop, you release them from responsibility for any and everything. Were they to make any attempt to protect your rig (or others but not yours) then they would be looking at a lawsuit. "you attempted to protect it, but you failed, therefore you (Airstream) are now responsible", while them doing nothing, is what was expected of them.

In the Airforum discussion, one owner said he hitched up his unit about two hours before the storm hit, and headed east as fast as he could go.

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