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Go to the Search button (above left) and search on ham radio.  I think you'll find quite a few others.

WA8YXM nere Matt..  I have a couple of url's for you



Which (thank you) reminds me of someting.... (Note I do not appear on either show but on the first they read an e-mail or two of mine and on the 2nd... Well, I'm mentioned at the end of the last Smoke & Solder segment... (Next to last episode, or last week's whichever method you use).. nice line voltage monitor they shipped me. )
WE4i here. Just getting an ICOM 7100 set up on HF on a sailing catamaran.  It's quite easy to use it on 2 meters (including star) with the VHF antennas already aboard but there is some challenge to getting a decent installation on HF. The sailboat is now in the Fla Keys for the winter season.  The RV was just bought down here and we will move it to storage this weekend up in central Fla where we wil use it during the summer. I am going to put the IC7100 in the RV for summertime trips and it will be used primarily on VHF and UHF. First planned trip is to Maine this summer although we will stop in the Everglades this weekend as we travel north in the RV.  The challenge there is to get coax up to the roof although I've seen some posts about running wire for new solar panels which I also want to install.

By moving the radio it will be in air conditioning in the summer and in the ventilated sailboat in the winter which should help make it last for many more years
K8RFD here. But I'm not much of a repeater guy and local groundwave comms are slow at best in the tech bands.

I seldom tune in, at 50 I'm still a kid at the local meetings. ZzzzzzZzz.

WA1RI, since 1964, but not active right now.  Would like to get a small mobile rig at some point, but right now, other priorities.  Was very active back in RI with club and ARRL position.  Nowadays though, not as much.

I did activate the internet thing, spoke with some friends on the RI repeater I used to be active on.

WB0VKI and WBOWKD here but both inactive since our heydays from 1975 to mid 1990s when move to apartment (and computer) pretty much silenced us.  Loved HFing from North Dakota as demand for us was high and QSL cards went out in batches every day.  Believe it or not I had a QSL card returned about a month ago.  I had sent it in 1975 and the recipient's survivors had looked up my address and returned it.  Last summer I bought a new 2 meter rig (had another band I can't remember) and tried to set it up for repeater use and local ragchewing.  Tried it a few weeks and found things to be very slow and very boring so I sold it.  Wouldn't mind trying HF again but age is interferring with such things as climbing towers etc.  We both loved it and keep the licenses current as the wife swears that after 4 tries to get the darned thing she will never let it expire before she does.
My son and I use hand held HF radios when we go hunting as quite often, we don't have cell coverage in our hunt area.
Bill & Joan,
You might consider HF digital. It does not take loads of power, and a magnetic loop antenna is surprisingly effective from an apartment or condo. The antenna can be disassembled and put away when not in use.

WN7E,  Tom here.
Just got back from the hamfest in Yuma, AZ Sunday. There were probably hundreds of ham RVers there. It's a yearly event and this was our 6th year to attend.
N5SSP here. Got my original Ticket (KB7ELE) in Arizona. Got my upgrade in Arlington Texas. Back in Arizona part time.
SVTotem said:
Bill & Joan,
You might consider HF digital. It does not take loads of power, and a magnetic loop antenna is surprisingly effective from an apartment or condo. The antenna can be disassembled and put away when not in use.


Thanks Bill.  We are now back in a decent stick built house so an outdoor antenna is not out of the question.  I will look into the HF digital.  I have an Advanced class license but I understand those are no longer given out.  I guess I am grandfathered.  Thanks again.

Wow. :) I'm glad we got this thread more active. I have an old Kenwood 2550 (IIRC) I'd like to put in my motorhome. I'm the 2nd owner of the MH. The original owner installed 2 antennas and the coaxes and PL259s are there. I'm just not sure which one is CB or 2m. I have my general license.
BTW, I'm going to check with a friend at church who is really "deep" into ham, to help me sort this out.

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