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Jan 13, 2005
Resumed ukulele band practice last evening, getting ready for our Christmas concerts. I spent the summer playing guitar, so needed (different) muscle memory to kick in.
This was the band's second week of the season, and we have a lot of work to do before our concerts. Who'd have thought that playing/singing Christmas songs would be tough. I know our Music Director will whip us into shape over the coming weeks, given his unique way of directing/teaching.

Do they ever get down in the Fresno area?
Regrettably not; All our performances are in the East Bay (usually Brentwood, and occasionally Antioch). There is a ukulele club in the Fresno area, although I don't know about their public performances:

Just for folks who might be curious, here's a YouTube search for some of your performances. Click here.
There are also links to all our YouTube videos on our web site.

Learning to capture the audio in a venue like El Campanil Theatre was fun. Received some good help and tips from folks here on the forum.
What choir do you sing in?
Church choir. We sing every week at the service. I can only show up when we aren’t traveling, but my director is forgiving. It helps that I can sight read music! It is a college town, so we have a lot of music students and faculty in the choir. Most of the music is standard church anthems, but we will be going Vivaldi’s “Gloria” as our Christmas piece.

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