Camping World CEO tells CNBC Trump supporters should not shop at his businesses

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Dec 12, 2008
Where ever we park it!

In a shocking move two days ago, the CEO of Camping World told CNBC in an interview that if people were OK with what President Donald Trump's response to the rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that they should not shop in his businesses.  :)(

While I am still saddened by the political war that is still going on both sides of the isle so long after the election, it is remarkable that someone running a business with so much daily consumer contact would put their livelihood right in the cross-hairs of a firestorm.  ::)

Regardless of what anyone thinks about what is going on in the current political atmosphere today, to make a consumer that supports your business with their dollars make a choice between shopping at your business and their political beliefs is unbelievable.

It's like he has forgotten about half of the country that voted for Trump less than a year ago. With on line retailing taking over the market place, I would think that you would want to get as many people in your store as possible.  :eek:

After all, it's not like there are not other options for RV's, parts, and Good Sam services.
I made this post to address the issue before someone else does. I am not making an opinion about my political point of view, that is not the point. I will not say weather I agree or disagree with whatever was said. Instead it's a comment about a major business choosing to alienate themselves from a portion of their customers.  Sad.

And I will not let this turn into a mud slinging contest.
No worries there, political preferences aside, Camping world is overpriced on most everything they sell.....and shopping elsewhere online is much easier and cost effective.  But I agree, with the original post about not being a smart move at all from a business standpoint. 

SeilerBird said:
Nothing like a political post to really screw things up around here. Better shut this down quick. :)( :)( :)( :)(

And as long as this thread doesn't turn into a political back and forth, no reason to shut it down
No problem. Won't shop at CW anyway unless there is absolutely no other option. But, certainly won't buy a RV there. Been there, done that....never again!!

I used to be impressed with Lemonis and enjoyed watching "The Profit". But, at some point, it occurred to me that he needs to go home and fix his own business model
before trying to fix everyone else.
I will take Marcus at his word.  My business there has been minimal anyway because of the pricing.  Hard to believe that a corporate executive would make that statement to his customers.  Sure didn't get much attention in the MSM.
Sarge, it's worse than you think. I think its arrogance - Lemonis believes he can use his position as a bully pulpit because the consumers will come anyway as they believe they have no choice. While, as you mention, there actually is choice, he knows many consumers will come to CW, just as consumers go to Walmart, because it's easier than seeking out the "little guy" alternative. (I'm not targeting Walmart shoppers as I occasionally go there too.)

I know there are others on this forum that are satisfied CW customers, but I stopped shopping there awhile ago as I have not been satisfied with their service or prices. And this is irrespective of the CEO's political views, of which I could care less. Lemonis' commentary is analogous to actors and actresses who believe their eschelon means I should care about their political views, which I don't. I do watch their movies though.

And yes SeilerBird, this forum is not the place for political discussions, but that isn't Sarge's point
Sun2Retire said:
. Lemonis' commentary is analogous to actors and actresses who believe their eschelon means I should care about their political views, which I don't. I do watch their movies though.

And yes SeilerBird, this forum is not the place for political discussions, but that isn't Sarge's point

Most of my life I was not much on politics.  I could not remember what the left and the right stood for nor did I care.  I was in the military and politicking in the service is verboten.  You can vote but that's about it.  As for the Hollywood folks, I now find that it is difficult for me to watch the movies of some of the more obnoxious political actors.  One particular favorite really disappointed me with some of his political rants. I had watched one of his movies several times but I just stopped it during the last viewing because all I could think of was his politics.  I am really disheartened to see this country evolving into something that I never envisioned and it has taken about the last 30 years for this to happen.  Now that I am pretty late into my life I am almost happy that I will not be here to see what eventually happens to our great country.  I guess some call it progress but I call it slow destruction.  JMHO and I hope this thread is NOT shut down as long as political rants are not posted.  It is good to get a feeling for the thoughts of others with whom you share a common pursuit.
"There's no doubt that there is probably not many consumers in this country today that are in favor of what has been said in the last couple days and if they are, quite frankly, don't shop at my business," said Lemonis, who is CEO of Camping World and host of CNBC's "The Profit."

He is a businessman first and foremost. With this comment I see him as playing to what he believes is the most popular political position in an effort to bring in business. Much the same as a used car lot putting up an inflatable uncle sam on the fourth of july so they give the impression of being more patriotic than the car lot down the street. 
Sarge, although your post is not political in what you are trying to say, it very much is political as it brings forward a subject that is nothing other than political.  As such, I agree with Tom, it has no business on this Forum, there are plenty of Political Forums on which to voice your opinions.

As I've said before many times: I wouldn't trust CW to install a roll of toilet paper.  And I certainly don't look to them for political leadership.
SargeW said:

In a shocking move two days ago, the CEO of Camping World told CNBC in an interview that if people were OK with what President Donald Trump's response to the rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that they should not shop in his businesses.  :)(

While I am still saddened by the political war that is still going on both sides of the isle so long after the election, it is remarkable that someone running a business with so much daily consumer contact would put their livelihood right in the cross-hairs of a firestorm.  ::)

Regardless of what anyone thinks about what is going on in the current political atmosphere today, to make a consumer that supports your business with their dollars make a choice between shopping at your business and their political beliefs is unbelievable.

It's like he has forgotten about half of the country that voted for Trump less than a year ago. With on line retailing taking over the market place, I would think that you would want to get as many people in your store as possible.  :eek:

After all, it's not like there are not other options for RV's, parts, and Good Sam services.
I do not consider this post political unless you make it so. Sarge was sharing a news report, nothing more. If others turn it political then it is on you.
My opinion.
catblaster said:
He is a businessman first and foremost. With this comment I see him as playing to what he believes is the most popular political position in an effort to bring in business. Much the same as a used car lot putting up an inflatable uncle sam on the fourth of july so they give the impression of being more patriotic than the car lot down the street.

Exactly. He says what he thinks will bring people in the door, and/or will raise his business valuation. Whether or not he actually believes it.
I am not taking a political stand on either side of the issue. My point is that anyone that is in a position to control such a large public owned corporation (listed in the stock market) to tell a portion of their customers "don't bring me your business"  is nuts. 

Sun2Retire said:
Lemonis' commentary is analogous to actors and actresses who believe their eschelon means I should care about their political views, which I don't.

And yes SeilerBird, this forum is not the place for political discussions, but that isn't Sarge's point

Lemonis' point goes even further than that. At least actors don't say "if you don't agree with me, don't go to see my movie".  Incredible.
Sun2Retire said:
Exactly. He says what he thinks will bring people in the door, and/or will raise his business valuation. Whether or not he actually believes it.

He must not be the sharpest tool in the drawer then, to alienate approx. half the population of the U.S. that votes.  That, to me, is just not good business sense!  But the good news for him is that he didn't lose me as a customer.  C.W. screwed me over years ago on an awning and the installation of it (I was totally green at the time and didn't know any better), so pretty much C.W. can have their overpriced items, arrogant workers (I know, not all of them), and try to survive in a world where more and more folks are buying their products after doing internet searches for pricing and customer service allstars.  Do let the door hit you in the hiney on the way out!
catblaster said:
He is a businessman first and foremost. With this comment I see him as playing to what he believes is the most popular political position in an effort to bring in business.

I wonder how many share holders have contacted him.  :eek: ::)
I truly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion about most anything. But to refuse business? Shareholders can't be happy about that idea.
Politics aside, Camping World has always been my vendor of last resort.  Their prices are outrageous, if you sell your address to them for the 10% member discount their prices are still higher than other sources and then they inundate you with junk mail from them, Good Sam, RV insurance offers and whatever else the Affinity Group can come up with.

And don't get me started on their service department.  My "favorite" experience was when I had them install a set of leveling jacks on a motorhome.  Not only did they botch the installation (fortunately HWH corrected the mistakes as a goodwill gesture when I stopped by their factory several months later) but while the RV was up on the lift the service manager carved out a piece of rubber from one of the sway bar bushings and used it as a prop to try to sell me new bushings at an additional cost of several hundred dollars.

His sales pitch was the sway bar was all that was holding the rear axle in place.

I pointed to the two hefty sets of leaf springs attached to the axle and asked him to explain what they did.  He walked away with a disgusted look on his face.
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