Cat in the RV

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Oct 21, 2014
Has anyone used a soft-sided, collapsible pet cage to contain a cat in the RV when the rig is on the road? It seems that a soft-sided crate that's big enough for a small litter pan and for the kitty to move around in, would be a good idea.  I'm just wondering what other people do about their cats when traveling between campsites.  Any ideas would be helpful.  Thanks.
I have lived with three cats full time for the last few years and the cats handle traveling quite well, they just go somewhere and go to sleep.
Our two cats have full access to the back seat of our crew cab tow vehicle. Also back there is the kitty litter pan, two kitty beds, a bowl of water, and some of their toys.

How well does it work? One cat (the rational one) splits her time between sleeping in one of the kitty beds or sleeping on DW's lap. We finally trained her that she can't sleep on my lap while I'm driving.

The other cat insists on sleeping in the kitty litter. It doesn't seem to be at all comfortable, but she has been riding that way for years. At home, or in camp, she uses the litter only for the intended purpose.

The cat, Shadeux, rides mostly on the couch with Ruby the dog. Other times are spent on someones lap. Spoiled? Absolutely,,,, She has her own special room for the cat box with light and vent fan that blows her terrible #2 odor outside of the RV for 25 minutes after the pet door is activated.
We have a travel trailer, and the cats stay with us in the pickup. One likes to hide on the floor of the back seat. She sleeps under the bed at home so no surprise. The other prefers riding on the passenger's lap. She will sometimes sleep on the bed we made her on the back seat, but she prefers laps.for a long trip, the small kitty littler box goes on the floor in the back seat.
Our cats just ride where they choose. The current one lays next to my wife in her seat (it's a big "buddy" seat). The previous one slept under a chair. As long as they aren't prone to climbing over the driver's feet I wouldn't worry about constraining them.
Our cat doesn't like the trips between camp sites.  She hides wherever makes her feel safest, usually in a cubby between the bed and the nightstand, or under the jack knife sofa.  We leave the center cabinet over the bed open and her bed on one side.  She normally sleeps up there, but doesn't prefer to ride down the road up there. 
In our Class C, I made a wooden platform to fill the step down to the cab and her box sits there when at campgrounds.  We also walk her on a leash when no dogs are out.  Her new trick is to climb on top of the slide out when it is in, we have been discouraging this behavior. 
Biggest cat piece of mind:  Instituted set feeding times. We feed her twice a day at 10 AM and 10 PM.  This has worked great to control her weight and most importantly allow us to sleep until past whenever the sun comes up.  Getting woken up at 5:30 AM everyday gets old fast.  Now she eats at 10 PM,  grooms herself and then settles down for the night in her bed.  She will generally not bother us again until 8:30 to 10 AM.
  My couch/foldout bed butts up to the drivers seat back,I cut a 4 inch round hole onto that end of the bed, rolled the leather covering around the cut-out to give it a finished look.. This hole is my cats security hole when she feels threatened, during normal driving she likes a small desktop near a side window that she uses to watch the world go by.>>>Dan
I have Blacks heated catbed beside the bed.  It's right beside the diesel engine and that's where she sleeps while traveling. If we stop she might get a drink of water, the litter box is at the opposite corner of her bed so she can use it.  She is no problem at all.  Once I make my bed up she comes and sleeps on the electric blanket.  Since Sue Anne goes to bed earlier then me I generally end up sleeping on the couch bed.

When we are parked some days she sits on the dash and looks out.
We have four cats that travel with us.  We close the door to the bedroom, put covered litter boxes (same as the ones in our house) in front of the door, have water & food dishes out and off we go.  They are all "house cats" and each has their way as we travel, from getting behind the couch to being up, around, and all over. No big issues other than "cat proofing" the screens so they can't open them and "make a break" when we are camped.  Been traveling with them (some have passed but we always had four) for 40 years now (ever since we got our first motor home). 
Ours just piles up on the dash and goes to sleep.  His other spot is behind the couch.  Never know he is there till you stop and then he comes out.  We keep his "box" handy for him but he rarely uses it while vehicle is in motion.  Never had any problems.  We did have a piece of plexiglass cut to cover the bottom of the screen door.  We just Velcro it on all sides and it works.  Been doing that for several years.
I don't think my three cats ever use the litter box when the motorhome is in motion. They just curl up under some seat and sleep the whole time.
Story alert:  First time we took Oliver camping, we just let him wander around meowing in the tow Tahoe with us... he had his catbox, but no go... up until 5 miles down the road, he stepped off my lap, put both front feet on the floor, and peed a hideous warm golden arc up onto my shirt and lap.  Next offramp, I turned around for home, a shower, and new clothes.
BigSkyTrailerGuy said:
Story alert:  First time we took Oliver camping, we just let him wander around meowing in the tow Tahoe with us... he had his catbox, but no go... up until 5 miles down the road, he stepped off my lap, put both front feet on the floor, and peed a hideous warm golden arc up onto my shirt and lap.  Next offramp, I turned around for home, a shower, and new clothes.
Do you have a video of that? ;D

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