Coffee POT vs. Coffee MAKER

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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2009
Hi All  --  Me again with 'nother "weght loss" issue. Spring CCC (CriticalCrackdown on C---) re-evaluation for a VERY weight challenged MH - less than 1K. (I know I could drop 30# & put a lot of stuff in :D :D :D)

Usually carry both 9C coffee pot (dry camp) as well as Elec. coffee maker(hook ups).  Am trying to rationalize the need to carry both.  As we dry camp 50%-60% of the time and don't want to wait 'til generator hours to have coffee the 'pot' is a given.  The elec. coffee maker takes up a lot of cabinet/counter space- weighs almost 3# - must have elec. -- BUT you just 'set it & forget it' -- no watching for boilovers.

What to do -- What to do.  Save 3# or use more propane?? Anyone out there have any idea how much propane it takes to make a pot of coffee??

Thanks,  Kate
I will make coffee with the electric coffee maker using the inverter, no generator.  But you do need a large enough inverter and sufficient batteries.

The amount of propane needed to boil a pot of coffee is minimal.  I wouldn't be concerned about it.
We boondock frequently, and gave up the coffee maker (even tho we have an inverter).  The coffee maker took up a lot of space.  I use a stovetop perculator and a timer to help prevent boiling over.

Most of us coffee drinkers are just that... coffee drinkers! 
If it's called coffee we will drink it, but there are those that are a tad more fussy about the taste.  For them the decision between coffee maker and a coffee pot (boil or percolator) would be made on taste rather than power consumption.

I use a coffee maker, but have an emergency back up plan ;D
If the decision causes you that much angst, I'd carry both and look for another way to save three lbs.

We got rid of the pot and either microwave a cup of water (inverter) or put a sauce pan on the stove if we need multiple cups at the same time. And sometimes we use the coffee maker to make a whole pot or even just to heat water only (via inverter)
Thanks All --

Gary, No angst - just wanted a little input as to what others with scant CCC do.  Only inverter onboard is with entertainment center.
When we boondock we use a saucepan to heat water, then pour the water into two plastic cup-size Melita coffee cones with filters filled with a heaping tablespoon of coffee grounds and let the hot water drip into each cup. 

My parents have a drip coffee pot and a tea kettle. They boil water in the tea kettle then pour it into the drip coffee pot. They used to have an electric coffee maker in the house but decided they like the drip coffee better so they use the drip pot in the house now too. I guess you could use a saucepan to heat the water.

Me, I don't drink coffee, just tea....much easier to boil water and drop in a tea bag.

If you are fussy about your coffee, I am ;), and carrying the two pots might be an issue, I'd look into one of those cone filter holders that fit on a cup or larger container, or a french press type of maker. That way you can either boil water in your microwave or on the stovetop and not worry about watching and timing.
Bernie, HAve used the cones they are ok just want to do more than 1 cup atta time.  As far as the FrenchPress how do you get rid of grounds -- with out using gallons of rinse water.  Not bad at home but dry camping is PITA. Don't belong to school of 'throw'em in the dirt'.

ALL,  Actually have decided to put the Elec. coffee maker into storage and just use the 9C. alum. Been practicing and makes good coffee when put enough in.  K
Id put in 1 gallon les fuel and enjoy whichever was most convenient. Unless it is the space you are saving then go with whichever you like best. When ever we have a fire I have to put on a pot of Cowboy coffee. One of the best parts of camping in my opinion.


Chemex makes a multiple cup filter coffee maker. You just thro out the grounds in the used filter and can rinse the holder and then pour into the coffee pot as you would normally clean. See here.
BernieD said:

Chemex makes a multiple cup filter coffee maker. You just thro out the grounds in the used filter and can rinse the holder and then pour into the coffee pot as you would normally clean. See here.

That's similar to the Melita that keep in the rig.  We heat up the water in an electric hot pot, or teakettle on the stove.  Diane likes the coffee better with the Melita than from the electric drip coffeemaker we use in the house.  The cone filter and grounds just go in the trash.
Well we have a little 4 cupper we run off the inverter while in route traveling. (2 cups = 1 mug of coffee) so it gets 2 runs per morning. The rest of the day it's tea but that's our schtic
Why not gas, well don't like the buzzing of the fan first thing in the morning. Cranky time  ;D

davemittan said:
That's similar to the Melita that keep in the rig.  We heat up the water in an electric hot pot, or teakettle on the stove. 

Heck Dave, I figered you just boiled up some "crick" water and threw in some chicory root.  Didn't figer you fer one o them fancy carafe types. :D :D ;D ;D
Lou (onaquest) said:
Heck Dave, I figered you just boiled up some "crick" water and threw in some chicory root.  Didn't figer you fer one o them fancy carafe types. :D :D ;D ;D

Heh heh - you figgered it out.  Actually, Diane uses the carafe thing.  I just use instant - a double strength amount of it.  That's what makes me so charming.
We bring a brew station when we have electric site when boondocking we perk it on the outside stove or if we are by the fire we do it there. We like our coffee and if we had to lose weight some place it would not be the coffee pot to go but if I did have to let one go it would be the electric one there is just something about perked coffee when you are camping good or bad its good.

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