Crossing into Canada with DUI

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phil-t said:
Not so much what they will do - more what they can do.  Detainment, confiscation, disassembly of your vehicle, etc.  Try it in a boat some time.  There are horror stories, going both directions.  I hate the thought of being subjected to Customs (Canadian or US)' arbitrary rules at the border.  They have absolute power.  I live on the border and have not been to Canada since 911 and all the security whoopla.  Too bad, going to and coming from Canada used to be nothing more than driving down the road.  I can even remember when the Canadian Customs entry was not even manned!  All they have dome with all the security and spend tax payers money and cause the general public greif.  That's just my opinion.

Flying has also become too much of a hassle. We just took a trip to Italy and Spain. Take your shoes off, your belt, everything out of your pockets. Remove your lap top/tablet from your bag. No liquids in containers larger than an eye dropper. If you want to take water on the plane you have to buy it after security which costs more than if you bring your own. In Europe it seems the rules at each airport are different. Take your shoes off at one airport but not at another. Leave your belt on here but not there. Told to be at airport 3 hours early for an international flight. I told my wife this was the last time. I'll drive across the border to Canada but flying is out for the foreseeable future.
phil-t said:
I live on the border and have not been to Canada since 911 and all the security whoopla.  Too bad, going to and coming from Canada used to be nothing more than driving down the road.

I'm only about 2-1/2 hours from the border and have been traveling to Canada since I was born (my mother is Canadian). We have fewer family members up there these days so we don't travel as much any more but I still find it nothing more than "driving down the road". Sure we need a passport or enhanced driver's license now and it might take an extra few minutes (or even a half hour or more in peak times) but I don't find it intrusive at all. I have nothing to hide and I'm sure the officers can tell. Last time I was chosen for a random search was long before 9/11.
    Hey folks, it works the other way too.  Any conviction, or a border guard not liking the cut of your hair will see Canadians turned away from your border.  There was a major new story last winter when 3 women from Montreal were denied entry on their way to a spa in Vermont.  They were never given a reason for no entry, however one was of East Indian descent, born in Canada.
    I have been told by lawyer friends that a DUI/DWI in either country would ban me from entry.

TonyDtorch said:
What all will they do if an American is caught in Canada illegally ?    They just let all the draft dodgers in and that was a felony wasn't it?
I doubt evading the US draft was a felony in Canada.
    And yet I had a good friend who lived and was raised in Canada, but since the closest hospital was a mile by sea, was born in the US.  The RCMP and US police (can't remember which service) showed up at our University dorm and hauled away for not registering for the draft.  It didn't matter that he was a student at a University, and that he had never been sent a draft notice, he was required to register.  He ended up having to leave university and did a 2 year stint in Vietnam before being able to return to Canada.  So, I have no idea how those draft dodgers were allowed to stay, however most established businesses and have done very well financially.

Most simply left on a "visit" before or just after receiving the draft notice  and, just as quietly, overstayed their legal time here. In a big city, they would probably pass unnoticed for quite a few years if they were able to stay out of trouble. Illegal immigrants in either country do have a knack for disappearing and remaining hidden even while they are being chased down for deportation.
those American "illegal immigrants"  would be in their late 60's at a non citizen how do they get Canadian health care now ?
TonyDtorch said:
those American "illegal immigrants"  would be in their late 60's at a non citizen how do they get Canadian health care now ?

Wasn't illegal back then and once in Canada you could apply for citizenship. Most of them are now in their 70s. Once they were in Canada and started working they paid taxes just like everyone and qualified for benefits.  We also had several FBI undercover agents in Canada at that time gathering info on those avoiding the draft.

Several countries in Europe that have free health care will even cover people on vacation.  Norway for one is that way.
Not all those who evaded the draft by going to Canada stayed in Canada. There was a partial amnesty, and I know a guy who came back to do national service in a nursing home. He didn?t want to fight in what he considered an unjust war, but his Consciencious Objector case was not approved. He went to Canada before he was drafted, then came home to do his service in a non-military manner. Great guy with a strong moral compass.
Oldgator73 said:
Flying has also become too much of a hassle.

I agree with that - try it with an artificial hip.  Looks like you are "packing" on the radar screen.  If no radar then you get a full pat-down!  Really nice!  And they can still refuse you to board the plane.
kjansen said:
Several countries in Europe that have free health care will even cover people on vacation.  Norway for one is that way.

our country has free emergency health care too,  a non citizen or an uninsured person is never turned away if they need med help.
    But it isn't free, the BIG bill comes later.  Plus, we have acquaintances who if fact have been turn away, even after offering to prepay, when they had no definable insurance coverage and their son was involved in a PWC (personal water craft) accident.

Shortly after my son separated from the AF he slipped on the driveway at our house in Illinois. We had just arrived in England and were waiting for our rental house to be ready for move in. He got to his phone and a friend came by and picked him up and took him to the local hospital ER. They determined they could not work on his injury (he did not have insurance) so they packed him up  in an ambulance and sent him across the river to St. Louis to another hospital. They performed arthroscopic surgery and determined the swelling was too severe to fix the break. They sent him home. My wife flew back from England and got him in the VA hospital where surgery was performed and all is well now. The first two hospitals sent him a bill in excess of $27,000. So, no, emergency rooms are not free.
Dragginourbedaround said:
Just bring an empty container and fill it when you get through security.

Water fountains are practically nonexistent, by design. I have seen folks filling water bottles in the restrooms.
Oldgator73 said:
Water fountains are practically nonexistent, by design. I have seen folks filling water bottles in the restrooms.
Every US airport I've been in has had a water bubbler (fountain for non Bahstonions) near the rest rooms.
Some friends drove me to a hospital after a motorcycle crash back in the days (1993) before helmet laws here in CA. 

I had a big gash over my eye brow and the skin was hanging down over my eye. ( at first I thought I was blinded  :eek: )

The E.R. asked me if I had any insurance...  I told them no,  I did not.

They said without insurance there was nothing they can do.      So, I got up and was headed out the exit door when a couple nurses came out grabbed me and ushered me into the operating room.

I never got a bill for those 29 stitches.
Dragginourbedaround said:
Every US airport I've been in has had a water bubbler (fountain for non Bahstonions) near the rest rooms.

Internationally water fountains are disappearing at airports. I have seen some studies that indicated the water fountains that were tested actually contained more bacteria than the toilets. Some airports, I think in Canada, are actually installing more water fountains. Some with two spigots, one for drinking and the other for filling water bottles. But there still lies the problem of cleaning the fountains. Most are merely wiped down while the bacteria grows inside the tubing.

TonyDtorch said:
Some friends drove me to a hospital after a motorcycle crash back in the days (1993) before helmet laws here in CA. 

I had a big gash over my eye and the skin was hanging down over my eye. ( at first I thought I was blinded  :eek: )

The E.R. asked me if I had any insurance...  I told them no,  I did not.

They said without insurance there was nothing they can do.      So,  I got up and I was headed towards the exit door when a couple nurses came out grabbed me by my arms and ushered me into the operating room.

I never got a bill for those 29 stitches.

You were very lucky Tony. Sounds like they just lost your file. I will tell you now that we have Medicare and Tricare for Life we no longer get a bill. That may soon change since congress wants to put a annual cap on Medicare. I would hope all the seniors would rise up and squash that.
Sorry,  but the lobbyist determine how congress votes.

(drain the swamp  ;) )
TonyDtorch said:
Sorry,  but the lobbyist determine how congress votes.

(drain the swamp  ;) )

Ha! You need to post that over on the Joke page.

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