Crossing into Canada with DUI

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Oldgator73 said:
I don?t think I have a DUI. Like I said in earlier post, I can?t remember much from 1969-1975. Moving is too hard. For 36 years the government moved us (about every three years). I don?t want to do it myself.

I know that feeling, 

In 71 I went through some training with members of the Royal Canadian Air uniforms and they spoke weird,  but otherwise just normal good guys... ;D
Roy M said:
Bill N, do you honestly think your grandkids first got exposed to mind bending drugs on Wednesday? Legalization and regulation became necessary to somewhat control (and tax) an ongoing problem, prohibition didn't work in the 30's and it doesn't work now. Going back to the original question, unless our respective governments get together and work out sensible policies regarding alcohol and recreational drugs nothing will change but I don't see that happening in my lifetime.

No if they can read they knew about them for years. It is just that they couldn't go down to the street corner and buy it or have a buddy buy them. Actually I am not very worried about it as I feel they have been brought up about as right as you can bring up a kid these days - there are no guarantees. 
I have to laugh when you mention prohibition as all knew it didn't work but, while many will deny it, marijuana only leads to more deadly drugs for many of it's users and the opiod crisis going on now is probably the next step for a lot of the younger set.  Prohibition did not lead to any next step.  A drunk is a drunk and a menace to society and so is a MJ user - in my opinion.  I do not oppose medical marijuana as in cannabis oils as long as the THC component is minimal.  But I don't want to be driving on a highway with drunks AND marijuana zombies.
Also for Ed who said I was disparaging his country, that was not my intention as I intended to disparage ANY country that is stupid enough to make legal a drug that affects the mental state of it's user and endangers other vehicle occupants on the highways. Alcohol does a fine job of that already.  But I will admit your explanation does hold some water as to keeping it away from kids by keeping out the illegal stuff.  Not a big deal that I can see.
BTW, Canada may be great for keeping out people with DUIs  in their past but I had a friend in North Dakota who drove into Winnipeg on a weekly basis for the 3 years that I knew him and was never stopped.  So it is not exactly a foolproof system - few are.
For those who fret that I am threatening the existence of this thread, rest easy as I am taking it off my notify list.

"It is just that they couldn't go down to the street corner and buy it or have a buddy buy them." Yes they could, the only difference now is that an adult buddy can now legally buy it but is still in deep doo if caught supplying minors.
The jury is out as to whether marijuana is a gateway drug. How do you know if someone that started with marijuana then went on to another drug would not have done so anyway, without starting with marijuana. I know plenty of folks that smoke marijuana and I would posit they would never think about anything stronger. Not all folks that drink alcohol end up alcoholics. Marijuana should be legal. Should be able to buy it same as alcohol. Should be able to grow it in your backyard. Should be able to cross borders with it in your possession wiithout recrimination.
It's getting hard to tell which Canadian thread I'm on...

Canada legalizes pot ...or Canada with a DUI ?
hmm.....well things have changed up in Canada, about 50% of the people living in Canada will soon be driving around DUI... (very slowly with a big smiles  ;D ).

so why should Canadian immigration even care about it now ?

They should do what we do enforcement, is the same thing as not being illegal...

sightseers said:
hmm.....well things have changed in Canada, about 50% of the people in Canada will now be driving around DUI... (very slowly with a big smiles  ;D ).

so why should Canadian immigration even care now ?

do what we do enforcement, is the same thing as being not illegal...

That is very insulting to us Canadians despite the smiley attached.

Not sure how you can say that with such certainty. It is no different to alcohol which is legal within limits on both sides. I, for one, have never been stopped for alcohol, let alone convicted of a criminal offense.

They care because the "legal" pot is quite different to the stuff being sold on the black market in both potency, purity (quality) and quantity allowed. The quantity of alcohol, cigarettes and cash money being imported ARE checked on both sides when crossing the border as well and always have been (AFIK). There is NO legal POT in USA according to your FEDERAL laws despite several states having declared it legal

No enforcement??? Have you never crossed the boarder, either way, and sent for secondary inspection?? Even if you are the chosen 1 in so many routine inspections, when selected it can be an eye-opening experience. (I have, on both sides, with my initial declarations always proven accurate!!)

It is not the fact that it is a DUI, a DUI can be a criminal offense, similar to any other and any one convicted of such an offense  can/will be stopped. It works both ways... Anyone trying to enter the USA OR into Canada will be stopped if the conviction has an equivalent offense in the other country. Bail jumpers if detected will be turned over to the appropriate authorities on either side as well.
Alfa38User said:
Anyone trying to enter the USA OR into Canada will be stopped if the conviction has an equivalent offense in the other country.


so if I had a conviction for possession of a schedule 1 narcotic ( Marijuana), a Federal felony here in the U.S,...can I now go into Canada ?

If you are detected or answer Yes to any questions  regarding convictions or  use, the chances are NO, you won't be allowed in because it is a criminal offense in USA, despite certain state laws. It will work the same way for Canadians or USA citizens returning to the USA, despite the Canadian blessing of POT, if you are picked up for possession of or use of legal pot by the US Border Officials you will NOT be allowed into the USA. Not sure what they would do with a USA citizen returning home though. As of now at least, that seems to be the way it stands.

Medically prescribed pot is no different AFIK. We cannot take it into the USA, not sure how Canada stands on that one though, but.....

Note: On both sides the border, officials can check and verify any convictions (or pending charges) anywhere in USA or Canada at the touch of a keyboard. BIG Brother is alive and well on both sides.
I meant no offence to anyone Canadian or otherwise.

It was a joke from back in the ol' days.... the cops just knew you were stoned if you were driving slowly. 

But, you should realize people that are on many medicines are technically 'driving under the influence'.

Now days I'm guilty of 'driving under the influence'.... of Coffee.  ;)

The truth is boarder enforcement laws are hit or miss at best,  but if you ever state false information about anything...there may be a whole new Felony you will be charged with.


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