Denver I-70 Park-n-Ride shooting

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This type behavior will never cease until society stops ignoring mental health issues. Decades ago I suspect most of these shooters would have already been committed to a mental facility long before they killed.
IMO "mainstreaming" started this whole thing, instead of treating them in an institution.
This type behavior will never cease until society stops ignoring mental health issues. Decades ago I suspect most of these shooters would have already been committed to a mental facility long before they killed.
IMO "mainstreaming" started this whole thing, instead of treating them in an institution
What are we going to do, create a gestapo like mental health police and go drag "weird" people off to internment camps?
Mental health isn't an issue only in America, that's a distraction fabricated to keep the focus off the 800 lb gorilla in the room. The real issue is solvable, the distractions are designed to make sure it never gets solved. It's the new "Thoughts and Prayers" and "Now is not the time". The only way this absolute insanity is going to ever change is a complete cultural paradigm shift, and as long as profits are more important than 1st graders, that isn't likely on the horizon.
Yep. When I look at that RV, I have to wonder if it was drug related or something like that.

I can understand why so many RV parks have the ten-year rule when I look at that thing.

-Don- Tucson, AZ
While I agree with your first sentence, I don't understand you second. Looking at that MH, as far as I can tell it could be almost new.
Park and rides are notorious for being hookup sites. They had to finally shut one down outside Chattanooga years back, it had become a rendezvous for drugs and prostitution.
What are we going to do, create a gestapo like mental health police and go drag "weird" people off to internment camps?
Mental health isn't an issue only in America, that's a distraction fabricated to keep the focus off the 800 lb gorilla in the room. The real issue is solvable, the distractions are designed to make sure it never gets solved. It's the new "Thoughts and Prayers" and "Now is not the time". The only way this absolute insanity is going to ever change is a complete cultural paradigm shift, and as long as profits are more important than 1st graders, that isn't likely on the horizon.
Like the man in China about 10 years ago that killed and injured 30 some schoolchildren with a knife.
Some people are criminally mental ill and should not be in the general public. Jeffery Dahmer comes to mind.
What are we going to do, create a gestapo like mental health police and go drag "weird" people off to internment camps?
Mental health isn't an issue only in America, that's a distraction fabricated to keep the focus off the 800 lb gorilla in the room. The real issue is solvable, the distractions are designed to make sure it never gets solved. It's the new "Thoughts and Prayers" and "Now is not the time". The only way this absolute insanity is going to ever change is a complete cultural paradigm shift, and as long as profits are more important than 1st graders, that isn't likely on the horizon.
Or, the boy that shot up a school, killing several children after his mother has asked authorities to commit him to an institution and was ignored.
What are we going to do, create a gestapo like mental health police and go drag "weird" people off to internment camps?
Mental health isn't an issue only in America, that's a distraction fabricated to keep the focus off the 800 lb gorilla in the room. The real issue is solvable, the distractions are designed to make sure it never gets solved. It's the new "Thoughts and Prayers" and "Now is not the time". The only way this absolute insanity is going to ever change is a complete cultural paradigm shift, and as long as profits are more important than 1st graders, that isn't likely on the horizon.
If only the world would avail themselves of your genius all her problems would be solved in a heartbeat.
Park and rides are notorious for being hookup sites. They had to finally shut one down outside Chattanooga years back, it had become a rendezvous for drugs and prostitution.
Many years ago, Oklahoma closed numerous scenic turnouts and unattended rest areas b/c of issues with prostitution, solicitation and drug dealing. You can still see the on/off ramps, but they are now unmarked and have gates across the drives.
There is a lot more to this story than is hinted at here, for one thing how did they find the victims blood on this guys clothes more than 2 weeks after the murder.
There is a lot more to this story than is hinted at here, for one thing how did they find the victims blood on this guys clothes more than 2 weeks after the murder.
He was arrested on an unrelated outstanding warrants charge the day after the murder, in the victims car and in possession of some of the victims belongings. It likely took NCIS Wooly Mammoth Division a few days to tie the rocket scientist to the murder and then a week or so to get the DNA results.
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