Denver I-70 Park-n-Ride shooting

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The electric vehicle statistics might include street legal golf carts. That's probably why the hybrid fires are over 100 times higher in comparison due to they don't include golf carts to skew the data.

They would not want to deal with the paperwork and other legal requirements. And the very long wait. I don't blame them. Besides, full autos are banned in many states, such as in CA, where they have Bass Pro shops.

Booze and drugs kill more than three times as many people in the USA as do all guns combined.
AFAIK, the 20 Millon AR15's in the USA killed nobody today. We certainly cannot say the same for booze.

-Don- Yuma, AZ
That's a false equivelency and a red herring. Drinking and doing drugs and most alcohol and drug related deaths involve a personal choice, ain't any elementary school kids choosing to have their heads blown off by a high powered assault weapon. Same goes for the ridiculous knife analogy, nobody with a knife ever killed 61 people from a hotel window. An AR-15 is designed for no other purpose than killing large numbers of people in a short amount of time, none.
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Are most Tesla drivers relax at charging stations? Or do fights break out with the Tesla driver shot and killed. This might just happen in Denver, Colorado. Today's news...
No details yet. We have no clue what really happened there.

FWIW, I often BS with others at charge stations. So far, I have found them all to be extra friendly.

We already have at least one interest in common. It's usually when I am charging an electric motorcycle and then that causes others to ask many questions. Many of them take a while to explain.

Of course, the two most common questions are about my range and how long it takes to charge. Neither one of those questions have a simple answer.

The more tech people will not even ask such questions. They would ask instead "how many KWH is your battery and what KW rate can you charge it at?" That has a very quick answer which is much more meaningful.

BTW, figure on an electric motorcycle to have about 7 miles per KWH average range. I came up with that myself with some simple math and riding many electric motorcycles.

-Don- Yuma, AZ
, ain't any elementary school kids choosing to have their heads blown off by a high powered assault weapon.
This is what happened during the last AWB. The deadliest in American history, no gun used. Is that a better comparison, IYO?

Evil people will find a way to be evil no matter what we ban. It's the people who need fixing. Barking up wrong trees doesn't help.

-Don- Yuma, AZ
That's a false equivelency and a red herring. Drinking and doing drugs and most alcohol and drug related deaths involve a personal choice, ain't any elementary school kids choosing to have their heads blown off by a high powered assault weapon. Same goes for the ridiculous knife analogy, nobody with a knife ever killed 61 people from a hotel window. An AR-15 is designed for no other purpose than killing large numbers of people in a short amount of time, none.
None? See here.

The AR-15 is America's most sold rifle for countless reasons. If they are designed to kill people, they do a very poor job of it considering 20 million of them killed nobody today (AFAIK).

Some states do not allow at AR15 to hunt large game because the round is too weak and small for large game. A kill with a single shot is too unlikely for larger game.

Not an issue in the military where there are usually thousands of rounds flying. Beside the fact a wounded soldier usually takes more out of combat than a kill. AFAIK, all militaries went to a smaller round. Such as how the AK74 (5.45mm) replaced the much larger AK47 (7.62mm). And now the 5.7 x 28 MM such as the P-90 is getting more common for military use.

-Don- Yuma, AZ
The AR-15 is America's most sold rifle for countless reasons. If they are designed to kill people, they do a very poor job of it considering 20 million of them killed nobody today (AFAIK).

I'd argue if you have a second amendment right to own a miltary style assault weapon capable of firing two hundred rounds per minute and designed for no other purpose than killing large numbers of people in a short amount of time, you also have a second amendment right to own a fully automatic weapon which is designed for the same purpose. But let's not stop there, in a broader interpretation of your constitutional right to bear arms, a claymore mine is arms, so is a surface to air shoulder fired heat seeking anti-aircraft missile. You should be able to buy as many fragmentation grenades as your budget will allow and let's not overlook anti-personnel pressure and proximity mines, those are clearly arms too.
Alas however, the reason you can't is because as Scalia wrote in the Heller opinion, the gov't has a Constitutional Right to determine which "classes" of weapons a citizen may possess.
Meantime, why is it in Texas I have a constitutional right to openly carry an AR-15 with a high capacity magazine into a grocery store but a patriot can't carry one into a Governor's news conference or into the Texas House of Representatives, gee whiz wally, it's just a hunting rifle and 20,000,000 of them never killed a Governor or Texas or Speaker of the House.
Why heck, hundreds of people probably died today and not one was in a passenger plane shot down by a shoulder fired AA missile, or in a grocery store when someone lobbed a frag grenade through the door. Not one kid stepped on an anti-personnel mine on her way to school this morning, so those should be legal to buy and possess too.
If the gov't can prevent my owning a missile launcher isn't that a slippery slope to them taking my pistol?
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I doubt that there is one gun owner who does not think I am a nut since I refuse to be armed.
I think you should take that one step further and tack sign on your camper/home that says - OWNER IS UNARMED. THIS IS A GUN FREE HOME. You know, so people will know they are safe around you.
I doubt that there is one gun owner who does not think I am a nut since I refuse to be armed.
That is your choice to make just don't call me crazy because I choose to be. You living a paranoid life style that you have admitted to is questionable.
I think you should take that one step further and tack sign on your camper/home that says - OWNER IS UNARMED. THIS IS A GUN FREE HOME. You know, so people will know they are safe around you.
All my neighbors knows that I am not a mass murderer.
That is your choice to make just don't call me crazy because I choose to be. You living a paranoid life style that you have admitted to is questionable.
I never called you crazy. I don't care if you have a gun or not. Better to be paranoid than dead.
24% of immigrants in California are very worried about being a victim of gun violence, but few own guns to protect themselves.

"Findings from a new UCLA report reveal that immigrants living in California are much less likely than others to have a gun in their home — just 7.7% of immigrants had a firearm in 2021 versus 22.2% of all U.S.–born adults in California. But 24.0% of immigrants report being “very worried” about being a victim of gun violence, while 12.9% of the adult population overall said they were very worried."

I own guns, but I don't daily carry. I don't own the guns because I'm paranoid. I've also never hunted.
I own them because I enjoy collecting and target shooting. Not once in 60 years of gun ownership have I ever killed anything with a gun other than pop bottles and paper targets.
I'll admit though that I've killed 6 deer...with my truck.
I think you should take that one step further and tack sign on your camper/home that says - OWNER IS UNARMED. THIS IS A GUN FREE HOME. You know, so people will know they are safe around you.
'cause everybody knows the only reason a gunman hasn't killed everyone in your home is they're afraid you could have a pistol under your mattress? Otherwise, if an armed intruder busts your front door down, unless you and the wife happen to be sitting there watching Wheel of Fortune with loaded pistols in your laps or unless he's considerate enough to allow you to arm yourself, you're just another statistic. I don't have a gun in my home and so far I'm happy to report I'm still alive and not even a little bit afraid. Otherwise too, the last thing that is going to make me feel safe is a wannabe with a loaded pistol who'd pee down his leg if a book dropped and is otherwise shaking so badly he couldn't shoot a bullet into the ocean.
I know a place you can go if you want to be a hero with a weapon, been there, done that, trust me and tell Scooter for me, after about a minute big man, you'll probably lose the compulsion to fondle guns. Unfortunately most real imitation army man wannabe's don't have the cajone's when it comes to the rubber meeting the road.
I own guns, but I don't daily carry. I don't own the guns because I'm paranoid. I've also never hunted.
I own them because I enjoy collecting and target shooting. Not once in 60 years of gun ownership have I ever killed anything with a gun other than pop bottles and paper targets.
I'll admit though that I've killed 6 deer...with my truck.
My SIL and grandkids put the capital H in Hunting, they're not gun nuts however and if you showed up with an AR 15 with a large capacity magazine you be laughed out of deer camp. AR 15's are for killing people, not squirrels, not hogs and not deer.
I'd argue if you have a second amendment right to own a miltary style assault weapon capable of firing two hundred rounds per minute and designed for no other purpose than killing large numbers of people in a short amount of time, you also have a second amendment right to own a fully automatic weapon which is designed for the same purpose. But let's not stop there, in a broader interpretation of your constitutional right to bear arms, a claymore mine is arms, so is a surface to air shoulder fired heat seeking anti-aircraft missile. You should be able to buy as many fragmentation grenades as your budget will allow and let's not overlook anti-personnel pressure and proximity mines, those are clearly arms too.
Alas however, the reason you can't is because as Scalia wrote in the Heller opinion, the gov't has a Constitutional Right to determine which "classes" of weapons a citizen may possess.
Meantime, why is it in Texas I have a constitutional right to openly carry an AR-15 with a high capacity magazine into a grocery store but a patriot can't carry one into a Governor's news conference or into the Texas House of Representatives, gee whiz wally, it's just a hunting rifle and 20,000,000 of them never killed a Governor or Texas or Speaker of the House.
Why heck, hundreds of people probably died today and not one was in a passenger plane shot down by a shoulder fired AA missile, or in a grocery store when someone lobbed a frag grenade through the door. Not one kid stepped on an anti-personnel mine on her way to school this morning, so those should be legal to buy and possess too.
If the gov't can prevent my owning a missile launcher isn't that a slippery slope to them taking my pistol?
I agree with you that the 2A does give us the right to own all those things.
My SIL and grandkids put the capital H in Hunting, they're not gun nuts however and if you showed up with an AR 15 with a large capacity magazine you be laughed out of deer camp. AR 15's are for killing people, not squirrels, not hogs and not deer.
I agree with you that the round most used in AR15 style rifles are not optimal for deer hunting but is hunting mentioned in the 2A? Why is it that the ammo is not all that powerful do we hear from so many people that it is.
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