DMSO not an endorsment..... you decide .....cj

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
I want it understood that this IS NOT A COMMERCIAL FOR DMSO. 
Here is what it did for me. 
As some of you know I am having a new knee put in on Dec 10.  The one I have is giving me a lot of trouble and the ''saw bones'' said he should replace it or I could get use to walking with a limp.  I have been hobbeling around it for a couple weeks now and it goes from ''worser'' to not so ''worser'' and back again.  With the bad knee I have been petting my back is starting to hurt some also.  I think it is from the way I have been walking. 
On another post someone suggested DMSO be put on my knee.  I remember a long time ago I heard about this stuff for joint pain but never tried it. 
Short story long.  I ordered two bottles just for kicks
THE STUFF WORKS..  It is not the cure all I wish it was but it sure gives me some knee relief and it does it pretty quick.  The down side is that your mouth tasts like you have been suckin on a penny..  ''yuck''  but it is worth it to keep my knee from hurting so much.  It does not eliminate the pain completely but it sure does help....
My back was hurting last nite and I told Willa to give me a rub down ............  the dmso completely eliminated the back pain in my muscles back there. 
I will continue using it and keep a bottle in the coach because I am continually pulling something in my back or arms

Used it for tennis elbow about 20 years ago and have only had one flare up since.  People just dont want to believe that it  works as advertised
I remember my high school biology teacher back in 1965 saying that DMSO was going to be the next miracle drug.  I think part of the problem with it is that it dissolves and carries with it into your body whatever was on your skin.

Also, you have to be careful about the purity of what you are buying.
SeaJay, I believe I am the one who wrote about DMSO. Yes it really works. I don't remember if I mentioned it but here is a warning.

When you use DMSO only apply a little. You do not need a whole lot on the pain area. It is easy to think that applying an extra amount would be better tha just a little. If you do, it is counter productive.  For example, when applying it do not apply so much that you get extra dripping or running on areas not needed.

Years ago we learned that if you apply excessive amounts, the excess will dry on your skin and eventually cause an itching that is iritating. If you use only the little amount needed on the pain area, you will not get the itching caused by excess application.
Rancher Will said:
SeaJay, I believe I am the one who wrote about DMSO. Yes it really works. I don't remember if I mentioned it but here is a warning.

When you use DMSO only apply a little. You do not need a whole lot on the pain area. It is easy to think that applying an extra amount would be better tha just a little. If you do, it is counter productive.  For example, when applying it do not apply so much that you get extra dripping or running on areas not needed.

Years ago we learned that if you apply excessive amounts, the excess will dry on your skin and eventually cause an itching that is iritating. If you use only the little amount needed on the pain area, you will not get the itching caused by excess application.

Yep,  I kinda found that out the hard way.  I figured that if a little helped then a ''lot should help a lot''      WRONG...    I am going to have to lay off the stuff for a few days because my right knee has several ''tiny bumps'' on the side where I have been ''slathering'' the stuff.  Also, you are right in that a lot does  not sent really seem to help except I taste the stuff for a longer time and the taste is stronger.  My wife Willa is a nurse and she looked at the bumps and told me to lay off the stuff for a few days and I should be ok.  The itch is kinda maddening but I am getting by that ok now. 

I am not pro or con concerning DMSO but it might be worthwhile to read the info at the following site HERE. If I was going to use it I would only use the medical grade for sure.

This SITE has some studies done by [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Richard D. Brobyn [/font]the "Father of DMSO". His findings indicate that it is not harmful to people.
wincom6 said:
SeaJay,  What brand did you buy?  When  looking on Amazon, I can't decide what brand to order.

DMSO on SaleSave over 40%. 99.9% Pure DMSO. Save 15% with Promo Code

This is where I ordered mine and I got two of the four oz. bottles at eleven dollars each.  It is suppose the highest purity on the page. 
Please understand  .  I AM NOT RECOMENDING THIS PRODUCT.  It is un-tested by the FDA and it is up to you to decide if you want to use it. 
I will tell you this ...
Willa was running the vaccume today for a long time.  her back was hurting her when I came in from the basement (it really hurts me to see her work so hard so I go to the basement and goof around till she gets done).  She said her back was really hurting so she layed down on the bed and showed me where she was hurting.  (she looked really good there on the bed and I kept forgetting that her back was hurting). 
I got our bottle of DMSO and put some of the liquid on the area where she was hurting.  (she was looking really good)......  About five minutes later she told me that her mouth tasted like she had been suckin on a penny, but her back was no longer hurting.  Amazing.  (she was still looking really good but she had to fix supper). 
For us, the stuff works and it seems to work well. 
If you decide to use it,,,, IT IS YOUR DECISION AND I HOLD NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS...  (if it makes your lady look nice while you are rubbing it on her back or wherever dont blame me)........
Just remember  ACCIDENTS CAUSE PEOPLE ..........
All these words of wisdom will cost you ten cents and you must pay me the next time you see me......................  of course my greatest advise to you is NEVER TAKE MY ADVISE .....CJ
LOL.  Most people complain of a fishy taste when the correct amount is applied.
DMSO is readily absorbed thru the skin as you have stated and the taste is a side effect.  Manufacturers call it more of a garlic taste, but that varies upon the individual.  It originally came out as a liniment for horses, but is safe for humans.  I use it alot in the pharmacy for compounding different
prescriptions as not only will it absorb quickly, but will also carry the drugs that are mixed with it in deeper.  Several pain mgmt clinics use alot of this.
Wow, if this stuff will make the old lady look good I'm gonna order a case of it ;D
Just kidding and don't y'all tell her or somebody will be on the couch  :-\
One more thing that you might use. 
I believe it would be advantagous to put the stuff in a small spray bottle.  Something that will hold about four ounces.  This way, you could spray it directly on the sore spot and not waste it or get too much. 
As to My Willa,  here is a pix of me and her on our honeymoon up in .Nova Scotia.   
For clarification .....''I am the one in the hat and she is the pretty one''. 
I am still trying to figure out what she sees in me......cj.....



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You are right-your wife is looking good-old man must still something !

A story about DMSO-a friend of mine was doing a summer internship with Esso petroleum way back in the 60's. He and another fellow had to go to Nat Gas compressor stations and add Methyl Mercaptan to injectors so the NG was stinky.

They had had a long day and riding around in the old pickup with no shocks, no roads in most cases and no padding in the seat when they got back to the shop they were aching in a lot of places.

One of the old hands in the shop was rubbing DMSO on his knees and told the young-uns how wonderful it was , he offered to pour some in their hands so they could rub it in- but their rubber gloves must have leaked during the day while using the methyl.

They did not eat supper that night and for a week he claimed that nothing tasted right!

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