Do you carry one of these safety gizmos?

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I'll have to research airplane safety equipment.
Judy you might check out Sporty's Pilot Shop. They carry all manner of aviation stuff, including some safety related stuff: Sporty's Pilot Shop - Home Page

Om the main page, next to the big Sporty's at the top left there is a small 3 bar menu icon. Click on that to see a link to the safety equipment.

I get their paper catalog in the mail periodically and the range of products is immense. Of course there are a number of other reliable sites out there, but this is one of the most comprehensive, and they've been around for decades.
Be aware that many modern vehicles have a small charge (similar to air bag charge) that will activate in a crash to tension the seat belt. Once that seat belt is tensioned, it often needs to be cut to release.
, the recent thread here re. getting a kid out of locked Tesla reminded me again how having something simple like this could be a life saver. Seemed like a timely reminder for those unfamiliar with this kind of tool
Every Tesla should come with a brick. That way when the lady next to you at the free supercharger can't get back in her car, as one Tesla owner to another, you can bust a window in for her.
Every Tesla should come with a brick. That way when the lady next to you at the free supercharger can't get back in her car, as one Tesla owner to another, you can bust a window in for her.
Ah, but the brick might not work all that well. These windows are tough to break. ;)

We have some old seat belts around that were removed from our coach when we took out the jackknife sofa. I'll have to experiment with those to see how well these things work as cutters.

I'm sure most everyone here has seen demos of how difficult it can be to break a vehicle's window. I was watching this short video demonstration and at the very end he warned not to try this at home and to only break your windows in the case of emergency! Uh.. really?? :rolleyes:

AS a EMT (long ago) we carried a simple spring loaded center punch to break windows. Easy push, hear a snap and the window would spider then you pull the glass away from the victim. usually came with a belt holder for convenience. I have one in all my vehicles.
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