Everyone is a photographer

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I still have SLRs and a Leica from the 60s. But if I had to find them in my house, good luck. Being a surfer, I was heavily into surf photography, which required some long distance lenses. My eye sight doesn't allow me to do what I used to do, even with a smart phone. Both of my sons are excellent photographers, so I live through their efforts. Here's one attached.


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A good DSLR will get better results than a phone right now, but not for long. Phones are quickly catching up since that is the only advantage DSLRs have.
One other advantage the DSLR has is being able to see the viewfinder (or screen or whatever). Inside is OK, and night time is usually OK but on a bright day it is very often difficult or impossible to see the screen on the phone well enough to properly frame the picture, let alone to double check for extraneous things in the frame. That has to be cured, along with proper zoom lenses (actual lens, not digital zoom) to get at least 5-6x (250-300mm on a 35mm camera), before it can possibly be my main camera. It's also harder to hold steady.

Besides, for me, the phone is NOT always with me, unlike for many folks these days, unless I'm on a trip somewhere -- pay phone replacement is the main reason we got a cell phone in the first place. Granted it's a pocket computer now, with multifunctions but that's a minimal function for us, as is the camera.

Still, living within the limitations of the "phone" someone such as you can get superb results.
Don't really agree with that. The ol' "lipstick on a pig" analogy comes to mind. :)
You can do many things w/ Photoshop but you can't turn a poor or fair photo into a great one.
Photoshop (or any photo editing app) is not for turning a poor photo into a masterpiece. I tried to put lipstick on a pig several times and it never works. Photoshop is designed to make good photos better.

And BTW gang, I do not use a iPhone, I use an Android phone (Pixel 2 currently).
"But, but, but... ". The "but" being I saw and understood where he was coming from.
That reminds me of a saying I once heard. Many seem to enjoy arguing about it by saying that it doesn’t apply. However, for kicks and grins I’ll repeat it anyway especially since it so often comes to mind when I hear it spoken and especially when it’s emphasized. The saying is that anything after ‘but’ is bullshit.

If you think about it, quite simply:

Yes I would love to go with you to the concert but…

I would get a new job but…

I’d like to go back to school but…

Perhaps it doesn’t work in all situations because but it’s such a common word yet it does seem to apply often. When I say it and subsequently hear what I said in my mind, just being aware of that phrase causes me to pause and think about what meaning any of the words that I say after ‘but’ actually mean. Is it an excuse? Is it even truth, whether I’m aware of it or not? I know many times it’s been a gauge to catch myself in an innocent lie. Yeah but….😊
some of my best images go back to when state-of-the-art was what is now an ancient DSLR camera.
I completely agree. For years I would keep buying this antiquated model of DSLR because of the way it had a swivel screen that i could either use as a viewer or turn 180° around & see/face myself, before selfies were a big deal. So I could easily see myself or a portrait of ‘us’ and see what showed say in the background. Also it could flip up so that the viewer wasn’t something I looked through. It was unique in that way and I really couldn’t find another camera that did that exact thing. So it could fit into the camera as a viewing screen or flip up as well as be turned 180° or any variation of that.

I actually still have one of those but I remember a time when I had at least five of this exact same model camera because they didn’t make them anymore so as soon as they popped up on eBay or wherever, I would grab them. I used it more recently and there’s zero space plus they now require various types of adapters in order to even get the photos off of the camera. I believe I have said converter but it isn’t practical due to lack of storage space.

By the way, I have heard it said almost in a demeaning way that everyone is a photographer. 😊

What I loved the most about it & it’s actually something that I can’t quite duplicate with an iPhone although nothing can beat the beauty & clarity of an iPhone, is the lighting. Albeit I spent a great deal of time using lamps or holding various lights …but I could make a fantastic photograph of say a product or a vase of flowers that would come out softened & glowing - with just the right light source & shadows without any graphic programs to create those effects. I still pine over that feature. Also by putting it on the extreme close-up option, the detail that I saw in the tiniest flowers say, I don’t think I can beat that today with an iPhone. I took some stunning photography of flowers and have tons of them but I just don’t think that I can capture those images with an iPhone. Maybe I can but I still wistfully think of that camera. I think it was a Sony DSLr - I’d have to go look at the model but today it’s just not practical. It wasn’t anything terribly special although actually it was to me.
I got lots of great shots of distant birds, but I could not take a close up of an insect or any other tiny object I came across.
I always had the opposite issue in that i could never take great distance shots but there was something quite magical about those detailed closeups that I can’t duplicate with an iPhone. I find i have to back up & much further than I’d like.

“The fact is I can take a photo and send it to anyone on the planet and they can view it less than a minute after the shot is taken It is just totally mind blowing.”

Right??! It’s that nostalgia because I recall so much said in college about how one day we’d be able to talk to ppl across the world. Back then it was over $25 a min to call Buenos Aires & to receive a call was worse. They had to use these ‘cafés’ to make the calls and per minute was like double my AT&T International bill.

It all happened so fast and I don’t even think, although I could be wrong, that it was that common on MySpace to interact so much with people from foreign countries. By the time Facebook (and all the games that used to be on there) was all the rage, somehow the transition took place and I recall having back-and-forth conversations with people in the Middle East & worldwide in real time.

I remember when even the local paper really didn’t discuss much except for local news. For National news maybe there was a larger section but for international there were just a couple of headlines … maybe.

I was talking to my dad once about Woodstock. I don’t remember what I said but something like what was that like at that time? He said that living in East Texas, in Longview with the Longview News Journal, that they had no clue about some event that occurred on some small farm up in New York. Okay history painted a different picture for me as it made it sound like Woodstock was almost world renowned & it is now, of course. Yet to hear him tell me that they didn’t even know anything about it really put things in perspective.

I recall flying through NYC on my way to Portland, Maine to go to the home office for work. I went during the day so I could see. We landed at Newark to switch to a ‘puddle jumper’. I was amazed that by looking out the window in Newark, I could actually see New York City! Even when I found out we were flying over the state of New York, back then in my 20s I was actually completely confused because due to television and I guess just those ideas that are formed like the way that many people think everyone in Texas is… Anyway for whatever reason which has to be tv, I thought the entire state of New York was NYC. I thought the entire state was Manhattan Island. Plus I couldn’t believe that standing in NJ, I could actually see NYC, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis island, the Verrazano bridge… had I never flown, I’m not sure what I would think today. I had no clue that there were farms & cows & crops - that we flew over so much green land & agriculture. It was simply amazing. I had always heard that the only way to make more room in New York was to go up hence this packed island of skyscrapers. Hmph.

Link to clip I just posted to show how many view Texans. 😆
trees growing out of subjects' heads.
Yes but some of those are priceless & hilarious!! I have one of me playing football at the company picnic. I was young. I have the ball & I actually scored a touchdown. Someone snapped a photo of me running with the ball cupped with my right arm & someone is behind me unseen except for their arm so it looks like it’s growing out of me - but disproportionately small. Shame on me but I call it my ‘polio arm photograph’. Lol
but on a bright day it is very often difficult or impossible to see the screen on the phone well enough
I totally agree with what you said about being unable to see the screen on a smart phone to take a photograph. I struggle with that a lot because I can’t even tell when I’m in bright sunlight if my phone is on or I can’t see how to open the camera icon if I can see anything at all. That is definitely a problem.
It's also harder to hold steady.
Right again. That’s one thing about my DSLR is that I could deal with lighting like especially holding lights at certain directions to create shadows or darkness in the background or to highlight a certain area of the photograph. It’s very difficult for me now to hold a cell phone steady. Yet they do seem to be improving exponentially as far as being able to take a clear photograph even if it doesn’t seem like that’s what’s going to happen. I found often with up close photos which I enjoyed the most with my DSLR that if I had it on the right setting even if it didn’t look clear to me the second I snapped the photo somehow it created amazing clarity. Not always but often that was the case. Also with the old camera, I could set it somewhere and then deal with framing issues and adjustments of the subject. That was something really nice where are all I had to do was press the button once I got everything set up perfectly.
Besides, for me, the phone is NOT always with me
Again, same here. There are many reasons why I often don’t carry a phone but lately a huge reason is that I just paid well over $900 (which I understand is the low end - well I know someone who bought one for $299 at Walmart but I’m pretty sure they are leasing it) for a new iPhone and immediately cracked it. I can’t replace it & I don’t know when I’m going to have that much money to blow on another phone.
pay phone replacement is the main reason we got a cell phone in the first place.
I just saw recently in the news they removed the last payphone from NYC. Apparently it was a historic moment. That led me to do a little research and there are many articles about payphone but I found the one in the Atlantic which is actually from I believe 2017 even, by far the most interesting and I believe correct completely about what happened. It’s what I suspect it all along.

“What Killed the Pay Phone?

It was more than mobile phones. An Object Lesson”

It’s a good read if you have any interest.
And BTW gang, I do not use a iPhone, I use an Android phone (Pixel 2 currently).
As far as cameras go, I really liked my android and the way the pics came out much better than iPhone, TBH. I felt I had a lot more control over things also. As good as the iPhone actually is for many reasons, I’ve noticed a lot of limitations. At least for me. I mainly got it for security reasons but as far as ease-of-use & ability to work with files, find things, make large changes all at once & so many other things, I really liked my android. While there is a learning curve, I’ve had it long enough that I’m quite familiar with it now & if it wasn’t for security issues I would definitely still choose android. :)
And BTW gang, I do not use a iPhone, I use an Android phone (Pixel 2 currently).
Ah, I do remember that. These days it seems "iPhone" is almost a generic term for smart phones in general. Far more Android phones worldwide but Apple does have a slight edge in the number of users in the US.

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