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Lived here now more than 50 years Steven and I can only share that you should embrace it as best as you can if you're planning on staying. 5 solid months of snow cover with snow on the ground in places for nearly 7 months is not unheard of.

I've seen near 80 degree highs in the this month of March over my years, as well as -40s overnight lows or worse in Januarys and Februarys.
I've seen as much as 70 degree swings in winter temps in as little as 36 hours.
I've seen several feet of snow accumulate in as few as 6 hours.

But I've also seen winters with nearly zero snow by the time the New Year arrives as well.

This winter has been more severe than normal, but certainly not excessively so, at least in my experience,
I used to live in Superior, Wisconsin...it was absolutely common to still have some snow cover until mid-June
Embrace the winters. Don't hide inside. Buy the right stuff to go outside in the winter (Since you're new to Minnesota or possibly just don't know what to get, that's heavy insulated winter boots, snow pants, snowmobile jacket, balaklava, and -20 or lower rated winter gloves) and you won't care how cold it is.
I was stationed in Idaho and Alaska when I was in the AF. Both would get -50 with wind chill. The Air Force issued us cold weather gear; bunny boots, fat boy pants, parkas, thermal undies, parkas, cold weather gloves, fur lined hats. We would drive four wheelers down the frozen river and across the tundra out spotting for caribou. Fun but cold, really cold. Came back from a ride one day and it felt like my whole body was being attacked by thousands of needles. When I got all my clothes off I noticed my skin was beet red and I made a BIG mistake; I got in the shower. 😎
I was stationed in Idaho and Alaska when I was in the AF. Both would get -50 with wind chill. The Air Force issued us cold weather gear; bunny boots, fat boy pants, parkas, thermal undies, parkas, cold weather gloves, fur lined hats. We would drive four wheelers down the frozen river and across the tundra out spotting for caribou. Fun but cold, really cold. Came back from a ride one day and it felt like my whole body was being attacked by thousands of needles. When I got all my clothes off I noticed my skin was beet red and I made a BIG mistake; I got in the shower. 😎
I hope that was a cold shower or you probably felt like you dipped your body into boiling water

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