Gardening while RVing

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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2006
Nova Scotia
    This article was in the Tampa Bay Times today, thought it might be of interest to those who might like to try to see if they do have a green thumb:

Thank You for your post! With about two years left before retiring, and becoming full-timers, I've often wondered how I could keep gardening! Thanks for the tips!
Thanks for the post.
Microgreens and Sprouts are a good way to add nutrients to your diet.
As an avid veggie gardener, I'm resistant to leaving my garden behind. But a few tomato and pepper plants supplemented with microgreens and sprouts is better than nothing.
Some great ideas in there I never thought of! I don't have much of a green thumb, but I wonder if being moved around frequently would affect how healthy the plants can be. Definitely something worth giving a try.
Wow, I never would have thought it was possible to keep my favorite hobby if I lived in a RV. I think this article inspired a lot of people, just like me. I'm sorry to write this on this old thread, but I'd still like to ask what kind of tools would you use. I'm a newbie in this kind of stuff. However, in a RV, the space is limited, and I could not take them all with me. As far as I understand, it is pretty handy to have just one kind of tool that can do many different things. I can't afford to part with my green salads :)
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Wow, I never would have thought it was possible to keep my favorite hobby if I lived in a RV. I think this article inspired a lot of people, just like me. I'm sorry to write this on this old thread, but I'd still like to ask what kind of tools would you use. I'm a newbie in this kind of stuff. However, in a RV, the space is limited, and I could not take them all with me. As far as I understand, it is pretty handy to have just one kind of tool that can do many different things. I can't afford to part with my green salads :) I found some excellent tree trimming tools on another forum, and I would love your opinion on this one. I will wait for your responses!
I think this forum is not suitable for these issues.

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