Get rid of the stench

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New member
May 27, 2020
Whenever my pup gets dirty, and boy does he get dirty every time cause he just likes dirt and puddles, and everything that makes a mess out of him, he stinks up the RV like there's no tomorrow. And washing him every day isn't a solution cause at times, he only gets dust and stuff in his fur, so why torture him for nothing. You guys have any suggestions on how we can keep the RV smelling decent even with a hyperactive, stinky dog sleeping inside?
The stink is usually the body oils getting wet on the fur. That may require changing dog food to aid digestion/excretion of stink, adding parsley (and other) to the food.

Dogs can also have seasonal allergies that can cause stink when exacerbated.

A dog's anal sacs can also be a source of smell that will reside around the caboose (that's why dogs smell each other's butts). Perhaps they are infected/plugged etc. Again, it could be a food that might be contributing to the smell of the anal sac discharge. Does he scoot his butt on the ground? If so, you may need to get his sacs voided at the vet and change his diet.

Shaving the dog could also remove the quantity of area that is "off gassing."

Lastly - how about drying the dog off? If it still stinks then the problem is not the water/mud/dirt IMO.

You'll notice that most of the problems I mentioned include changing his diet. Our dog is on a raw chicken diet (on chicken thigh a day) with some high protein good quality dry good (1 cup) twice a day. Very little stink - but also a different breed, etc...

Good luck - sometimes love hurts... your nose.
What kind of dog are we talking about?  Please don?t shave any dog,barring excessive matting.  The coat keeps them cooler in summer and warmer in winter.

Wet dogs smell.  Dirty,wet dogs even more so.
Some breeds have odors. My last dog was Scottish terrier. They smell. Even after a bath.
Ignore the trade option, just because. 

There are dog people and cat people and mix people.  But mostly there are pet people, 

As to the stink.  Bath helps, and just keeping them clean is key.  If they get into puddles, roll in yuck or whatever, then it is bath time. 

I presume that you bathe the pup after every adventure of the sorts, cause otherwise, you'd have bigger issues than just the fur stench. If weird smells keep lingering and you don't want to keep the windows and door open for long hours just to get rid of it, you could use an air purifier, there are more than enough that actually specialize in pet odor removal and anything pet-related for that matter. I would suggest that you keep the dog on a leash though, in the perimeter where you camp so that it won't get in these situations anymore. I'm a pet owner too and I've been advised against washing my dog too often cause his coat and skin will lose essential oils, something in these lines.
Febreeze! Buy it in bulk.

Spray the areas he lays and sleeps on and the room in general. There was a rumor on the internet that you can't use Febreeze near pets but it's just a rumor, look it up on snopes. We have two Golden Retrievers, an older one at 110lbs and a younger one at 150lbs. We swear by febreeze to keep the house from smelling like a kennel. Now if you find a cure for bad dog breath or dog farts please LMK.

Here in NM the problem is more dry dirt than wet but there's such a thing as baby wipes for dogs.  They probably have a different soap or fragrance to them but they're handy for wiping down the dogs after they've been laying in the dirt or whatever all day.  They're pretty effective and in a pinch I'll use a moistened paper towel to give them a final wipe down at the end of the day.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM

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