Have Coach-Net, can I get rid of AAA!

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2010
Mayfield Hts., OH
I know that Coach-net is supposed to cover all of your vehicles.  I am a little hesitant to allow my AAA membership to lapse.  Has anyone had this experience and can you recommend which way to go?
All we have is Coach Net but I keep thinking about rejoining AAA just for the maps. Can't beat AAA maps.

You don't have to be a member in order to use their Trip Tiks online.  I haven't been a member in some years and I always create my own Trip Tik online and print it off.
CN came to my house and picked up the wife's Mini Cooper from the garage and hauled it to the shop of my choice last year when it would not crank. No questions asked. I also requested a flat bed tow truck and that is what was sent. They will cover all your vehicles. I only have the basic service as well and not the Gold membership...........or whatever it is called.
Yup, I have not had AAA in years, and have never missed them.  Coach Net has always been there for me, regardless of what vehicle I use it for.
I'm just going through this.  I dropped my AAA service (had for 40 years) because when I needed them, they wouldn't help.  I compared the two plans, and read many articles about CN on the forum.  I see absolutely noting that AAA does that CN does not,  I think I will be fine and am looking forward to never finding out.
We went out to dinner one night in our regular car...not the toad, and when we came out of the restaurant, it wouldn't start. I keep our CN membership # and their phone # on my iPhone, and so we called. They were there in 10 minutes to jump it. We were only 4-1/2 miles from the sticks and bricks. Great service.
We've had CN for years and they have always come through for us. They even paid the extra charge an emergency road service tried to charge for picking up a coach tire they didn't have in stock.
two years ago i finally dropped AAA especially when my renewal costs just for the cars were more than my CN membership. i do miss getting the tour books sometime, but i do use their online triptok service.
We are thinking about CoachNet also. It seems to be the best from what I've read, and the price is right.
If I'm reading it right (sometimes slow on the uptake), I would pay for any parts, tires, or fuel delivered to the site. How about labor fees? We're looking for a plan with as little out of pocket expense as possible.

Thanks for any info, like I said, kinda S-L-O sometimes  ;)
If your repair can be done at the roadside, I believe that CoachNet will cover up to the first half hour of labor.  We had a tire repaired at a campground by a tire service dispatched by CoachNet and there was no charge.  Just one tow will pay for the CoachNet membership for several years.
Thanks Ned. A tire guy and your repair probably paid your annual fee that time.

I think I'm sold. We didn't want to join some club with bennies we don't need, yet want to be covered.
We may be the only ones here affected by this but Coach Net won't cover vehicles over 30 years old so we'll be looking for something that will cover Sunshine in a year. Won't drop CoachNet but will need a supplement for the VW.


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