
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Sep 7, 2024
Morrison, CO
Roger Mannon here. I'm a 76-year-old guy who bought his first travel trailer about a month ago- a Keystone Bullet Crossfire 1890RB. As you might guess, I'm not entirely clueless, but I am still figuring stuff out.
I expect to ask more than a few questions. If you respond to those, thanks in advance.

Thanks! I'm trying to figure out how best to protect my trailer from Colorado's winter snow. I thought about buying a cover, but I've heard that is not a good idea. I guess there is an issue with damage to the finish in high wind conditions. I may have to find a storage facility. I don't have a lot of room and can't build a carport for the trailer.
Covers can be problematic, especially where wind is common. And they are a nuisance to get on/off too. Indoor, or at least covered, storage is the better way to go but gets expensive in some areas.
I am going to suggest that you come buy our "campfire" chat every Wednesday at 5PM MT. Now, I can't help you much with snow as our coach lives in the barn for the winter, but there are others there from northern climes that can probably help. The link is Campfire link, just come by and introduce yourself.
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