Honda 3200 generator

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2019
Land of 10,000 taxes
With plans to do more state park camping with no hookups, I upgraded to a Honda 3200 generator from a Honda 2200. Main reason was the 3200 has a 30 amp hookup, the 2200 did not. Should be about the same but wanting to see if anyone owns a 3200 and has a good or bad experience. Thanks.
I have been watching that new, bigger Honda generator for a while and have only seen a few reviews but those have been positive. Based on past experience with a Honda 2000i, I'll be surprised if you don't like it. Waiting with you for an experience report!
I think the biggest difference would be weight. Can you leave the generator in one spot all the time, or will you have to move it around? We ended up with two Honda 2000s because we couldn’t manage anything heavier.
I don't RV anymore but recently purchased a Firman dual-fuel 3200 inverter/generator for home use. Reviews have been excellent and the price is 1/3 of a Honda 3200i. Greater power output too (the 3200w is sustained rather than surge). It has wheels and a tote handle, but the sucker is heavy (90 lbs). It rolls nicely, but lifting it up/down from a vehicle or even over a curb or step gets old in a hurry.
I looked at the 3000 box style but the weight was beyond my capability. My son in law has one and warned me how heavy it was. This 3200 is within my capabilities and can leave it by the camper secured if I need to leave shopping. Honda may be expensive but are a solid generator. Have met too many RV’ers with less expensive generators whining about needing repairs after one season. Will post back my experiences when my 1st trip using the 3200 in June. Spring can’t come soon enough as I want to get out camping. Awe the joys of camping.
Yeah, the 60 lb weight is nice, but you have to be aware that is a 2600W generator; the 3200W is only a brief peak output. But as long as it meets your power needs, that's fine.
We've had a Honda 2000 for about 12 years. Just serviced it and it runs as good as new. Don't think it would run a 5,000 btu window AC during a heat wave with no power, so thought of buying something larger. I'd only want it in the event the L.A. area got hit with the big one. A 7+ Richter Scale shaker which is long overdue. Then again I think the 5500 Cummins in our Pace that sits next to the house is really all I'd need. At least if a shaker didn't put it on its side.
I picked up a Champion 4200/3600 that works really well for $540.00. New. We also use it as a backup for our house because of the brown outs we experience here in Orange County. Fits the bill, but somewhat louder than a Honda.
We've had a Honda 2000 for about 12 years. Just serviced it and it runs as good as new. Don't think it would run a 5,000 btu window AC during a heat wave with no power, so thought of buying something larger. I'd only want it in the event the L.A. area got hit with the big one. A 7+ Richter Scale shaker which is long overdue. Then again I think the 5500 Cummins in our Pace that sits next to the house is really all I'd need. At least if a shaker didn't put it on its side.
Give the 2K a try. I bought this Frigidare Energy Star 5000 BTU window air conditioner and the matching Sportsman 800-1000 watt inverter generator ($159 on a couple of years ago after watching this video. The air conditioner cools my shed just fine during Pahrump's 100+ degree summer days and it can start and run on the little Sportsman generator with enough left over to run an LED light, my laptop and wifi router. I understand the Midea 5000 BTU air conditioner Walmart currently sells is essentially the same unit.

Tested out the new generator a few weeks back. Works great using the air conditioner. Used about a half a tank of fuel in 5 hours. It was worth the cost.
I understand the 3200 has fuel injection. Were you camping at altitude per chance? How is the noise level? I have the 2200i.
It is a little louder than the 2200 but not much. Was boon docking last weekend for 4 days. The generator did great. Was up by Duluth so elevation wasn’t that high.
Sounds like a great generator.

I really wish Honda would make a propane generator. Until then we’ll stick with our little champion.

With plans to do more state park camping with no hookups, I upgraded to a Honda 3200 generator from a Honda 2200. Main reason was the 3200 has a 30 amp hookup, the 2200 did not. Should be about the same but wanting to see if anyone owns a 3200 and has a good or bad experience. Thanks.

Just curious. Are you popping the breaker on the 2200 regularly? If not, there are a lot of 30 amp to 15 amp adaptors available. We use one on our 30' Arctic Fox, and I use our older EU2000i to run the AC using a Micro Air soft start. The 2000i barely breaks a sweat running the AC. Just can't run the microwave at the same time.
Just curious. Are you popping the breaker on the 2200 regularly? If not, there are a lot of 30 amp to 15 amp adaptors available. We use one on our 30' Arctic Fox, and I use our older EU2000i to run the AC using a Micro Air soft start. The 2000i barely breaks a sweat running the AC. Just can't run the microwave at the same time.
When I had the 2200, it did run the air conditioner. But, from what I was told, to little of electricity running the AC was not good for the AC. Reason why I upgraded so I could have a 30A connector. Still have to pay attention what your running with the 3200. Had a coffee pot starting up, plus my electric fireplace running when I turned on something else and popped the circuit braker on the generator. Can run AC and microwave without issues.
It's a tradeoff between fuel consumption and capacity. As the engine gets larger it takes more fuel just to make it spin, then you have the fuel the load takes on top of that.

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