I think I now have the new COVID!

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2005
Auburn, CA or Reno, NV
I returned to Reno yesterday from Auburn because of my VA appointment on the 20th (Friday). I will have to call Reno VA when I wake up in the morning--if I can get any sleep. I will need to cancel my appointment in radiology for another Ultha Sound.

I have all the symptoms that VA tells us to cancel our appointments on.

I was there at the Reno VA on the 12th. I did get my flu shot but they were out of the COVID vaccine.

I have every one of the symptoms. All 11 of them which are listed here.

This bug is a lot worse than the other time I had COVID where it was only like a very mild cold.

This bug is not nearly as mild as that one was.

-Don- Reno, NV
Oh my goodness.

I am sorry to hear this.

I have never had any of the covid strains, and I only know 3 people personally that have had it,

and people on this forum that say they had it.

Did you go to the doctor for medication?

I hope you get better quick!
Have you taken a test?
No, but I don't think it makes any difference to be 100% sure it is COVID. I have a bug either way.
And even the common cold has no treatments, just as with COVID.

I just called the VA and rescheduled my appointment with Radiology. Now Oct 7. This delays the RV trip that I was going to take right after tomorrow.

I think I feel a little better than I did last night. But not by a whole lot. To my surprise, I slept fairly well. Perhaps the extra tiredness helped me sleep.

-Don- Reno, NV
That sounds rough, especially if this time is hitting you harder than before. Cancelling the appointment is probably the smart move, especially with those symptoms. I had COVID a while back, and even though it was mild for me, I can’t imagine dealing with something worse. Hopefully, you can get it rescheduled when you're feeling better.
No, but I don't think it makes any difference to be 100% sure it is COVID. I have a bug either way.
And even the common cold has no treatments, just as with COVID.

I just called the VA and rescheduled my appointment with Radiology. Now Oct 7. This delays the RV trip that I was going to take right after tomorrow.

I think I feel a little better than I did last night. But not by a whole lot. To my surprise, I slept fairly well. Perhaps the extra tiredness helped me sleep.

-Don- Reno, NV
I have had the same symptoms quite a few times before Covid was a thing. It was usually bronchitis or pneumonia. Not that much can be done about them either outside of antibiotics might help.

Hopefully it passes fairly quickly. You are fortunate to get a good night's sleep.
My daughter is an ER physician in Raleigh and this latest covid is the worse so far according to her and the many patients they receive. Everyone coming in the the ER for the most part has been vaccinated and still get covid multiple times. I would be all for them if they worked. I feel the same way about the flu shot. Only times i have ever gotten the flu is when I took the shot. I haven't had the flu in years. She was home this weekend and the general feeling among the physicians is that heard immunity is about all that is going to prevent covid from spreading when there's an outbreak.
Why do you say that?

I assume the healthcare professionals know more about this stuff than most people, so I usually just go along with whatever they say is best.

I realize not everybody has the same reactions to any vaccine.

-Don- Reno, NV
If you feel strongly that you have the new strain now that would give you immunity so not sure why you would get it. I am pretty sure they say to wait a while anyway after contracting Covid.

Health professionals are not always right.
DonTom, Sorry to hear about your illness. Like Gary said, get to the Doctor and start on Plaxlovid. The new Covid is a different strain that has mutated from the older ones, from what I have read. Herd immunity will not work with the newer strains coming from the old ones, they just keep getting worse. Getting your Covid shot doesn't prevent you from getting Covid. It usually makes it not as severe. Everyone needs to get the newer Covid shot to help keep the hospitals from getting overrun with Covid patients.
Good Luck, Indiana Journey
If you feel strongly that you have the new strain now that would give you immunity so not sure why you would get it. I am pretty sure they say to wait a while anyway after contracting Covid.

Health professionals are not always right.
I agree with both of your statements. I probably will not bother with the COVID vaccine now, as I am sure that is what I have.

It has many of the symptoms of a common cold, but I can tell this is a lot different than any cold I have had in the past.

While nobody is always right, I assume the guess from a health professional has better odds than my guess.

-Don- Reno, NV
My daughter is an ER physician in Raleigh and this latest covid is the worse so far according to her and the many patients they receive.
That means she is only seeing the worse cases, the exceptions--not the norm.

Even the flu kills many people every year.

My experiences have been the opposite. I have only gotten the flu when I have not taken the shot. And I think that is the norm.

-Don- Reno, NV
I've had it a few times but the last time a couple of months ago was by far the worse. Don't waste your time on those vaccines.

Ok something about vaccines. NO VACCINE is 100% effectrive. Not one. To be approved a vaccine has to be 50% or more effective and the COVID's are a bit more than 50% at preventing illness.

HOWEVER there is a 2nd rating.. For serious diseases they rate 'em at how effective they are at preventing both hospitalization and death. I don't know on Hospitization but over 98% at preventing death.

You are still around to post.. Did you get vaccinated? If so a good chance it may have saved your life.

Some people have very robust immune systems.. IN fact I have cause to believe I might.. (My brother survived PRE-Vaccine he and I share a lot of genetics after all Same parents)

Some don't.. A friend here in Genesee County Mi refused to get the vaccine may he rest in peace.
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