Long term Travel Insurance for visitors

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2022
Allier, France
We're a British couple living in Europe and about to visit the US, we're starting to look for travel and medical insurance to cover 12 months.

Using UK & European companies we have found that being over 70 is a big drawback to insurance being offered. By the time we travel (hopefully December this year) Rosie will be 69, me 74.
On the qualification front we are ok, no medications and no existing health problems, but age is always the deciding factor.

We will ship our motorhome/camper in November, it should arrive in December. It is allowed to remain without alteration for 12 months but must be shipped out before the 12 months are up.

We wish to visit for 4 1/2 months, return to Europe for 2 months then return to the US for about another 4 1/2 months. As this period covers 11 months we want a 12 month travel insurance policy. So that's the background.

Do any other US visitor or someone who knows the US travel insurance market have any suggestions of companies we can approach to ask for a quote?

We have had only one offer so far, of 4 months insurance (from Staysure). Whether or not that can be renewed 2 months after expiry the insurance agent didn't know. Even 2 x 4 months is a month short of what we would prefer, but beggars can't be choosers. It is eye wateringly expensive though, makes our US vehicle insurance pale into insignificance.

Have read Jackie and Kirk's account of travelling to the US and arranging insurances, but the company Jackie uses won't entertain my age.

Thanks for taking an interest, this is our last major hurdle to shipping our camper.
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We're a British couple living in Europe and about to visit the US, we're starting to look for travel and medical insurance to cover 12 months.

Using UK & European companies we have found that being over 70 is a big drawback to insurance being offered. By the time we travel (hopefully December this year) Rosie will be 69, me 74.
On the qualification front we are ok, no medications and no existing health problems, but age is always the deciding factor.

We will ship our motorhome/camper in November, it should arrive in December. It is allowed to remain without alteration for 12 months but must be shipped out before the 12 months are up.

We wish to visit for 4 1/2 months, return to Europe for 2 months then return to the US for about another 4 1/2 months. As this period covers 11 months we want a 12 month travel insurance policy. So that's the background.

Do any other US visitor or someone who knows the US travel insurance market have any suggestions of companies we can approach to ask for a quote?

We have had only one offer so far, of 4 months insurance (from Staysure). Whether or not that can be renewed 2 months after expiry the insurance agent didn't know. Even 2 x 4 months is a month short of what we would prefer, but beggars can't be choosers. It is eye wateringly expensive though, makes our US vehicle insurance pale into insignificance.

Have read Jackie and Kirk's account of travelling to the US and arranging insurances, but the company Jackie uses won't entertain my age.

Thanks for taking an interest, this is our last major hurdle to shipping our camper.
I hope you get a positive response. Several UK friends of ours had to quit coming here when they hit the magic 70 age and they couldn't get insurance.
Was going to write thanks but... it's good to know what we are up against
Aye, one couple who could no longer come to the US sold their house in Florida. Good luck!
Was going to write thanks but... it's good to know what we are up against
I was going to mention that a number of UK family members and friends used to buy their travel insurance through a Cook(s) Travel agency. It was good for a year, and several visitors needed medical treatment that was paid by the insurance. But I think they were all under 70.
No i prefer to keep it under the radar. While legal some here would be offended that I suggested it. If someone wants the info I will share it on an as needed basis.
If you as an administrator want to know for a forum related purpose I will share it with you
Good news! We have found a specialised UK travel insurance company who cater exactly for our requirements, over 70 years old and needing long term travel insurance outside Europe.

We haven't booked the policy as yet as we aren't guaranteed our B2 US visitor visa until we attend our interviews at the US enbassy in London, that happens on 13 October.

But we do have our insurance quote and know they are a reputable company. Until we are signed up and paid for I won't publish the name and contact details, but would be happy to supply the information privately if others are looking for UK/EU based long term travel insurance for the over 70's.
Something should only be private if it pertains to only the person posting and another person needing to know. The OP has found a company to inure them while in states but declines to reveal the name of the company until and if they are cleared to travel to the US. It is your prerogative but I see no reason why said insurance company cannot be disclosed to the entire forum. Maybe I’m missing something. Someone please enlighten me. On another note I am happy you found a company to insure you while here.
To answer your understandable question the reason not to publish is I have no experience of this company other than we managed to get an automated quote. How they handle anything beyond that I wont know until later.
So, I can't recommend a company that so far I have no practical experience of.

If that goes against the forum's ethos then I will be happy to publish links to their websites, one for UK based people, one for EU based.

Always happy to learn
I know TonyL used Big Cat insurance.

I'd be interested in finding other companies for comparison if you'd like to share. Thanks
If that goes against the forum's ethos then I will be happy to publish links to their websites, one for UK based people, one for EU based.
Not against any ethos but we are all adults, well most are, and willing and able to do some research. You can always preface by saying “I have not had any dealings with this company si cannot comment as to their reputation or reliability”. This forum is all about sharing experiences, information and expertise. We took a cruise pre Covid from Italy to Spain. My wife got I’ll on the ship and had to see the ships doctor. I got I’ll in Spain and ended up in the emergency room. Both visits came to $2000. We had trip insurance that covered some and our supplementary insurance covered some. Out of pocket was about $200. The trip insurance was the standard policy offered with most cruises. When I say supplementary insurance I mean our supplement to Medicare.
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Wait until you have some experience with them. This thread will be around long after you and I are gone. Incorrect info is not good. Anyone wanting the info immediately could ask you in private as you stated. Everyone else I ask why the rush
I guess I just don’t understand what the big secret is. I don’t have a dog in this hunt but other folks might need the info. One does not have to indorse a product one only has to say I know of a product and quantify that with they do not know how reliable the product is since I have not used it.
Here are the links to the travel insurer who are prepared to quote us as a couple for a 6 month single trip policy. Our criteria are I am over 70 years old, we need longer than the usual maximum of 90 days, and for travel in the USA. All 3 of these are a major problem for most long term travel insurers.
I 'assume' the US is included in this group due to medical costs, but that is a guess on my part.

At this point after extensive research we are very pleased to find any company to quote us for 4 1/2 months which is our ideal first stint in the US with our own motorhome. We haven't as yet proceeded with the quote for reasons mentioned above, so do your own research please.

This is the original travel insurer based in the UK to the east of London. They handle policies for UK residents: Globelink

This is a subsidiary for EU resdients, based in Cyprus. We are currently expats living in France so this is the office we use: Globelink

Hope this helps others.

Note: Apparently for German nationals the ADAC auto club are the insurer of choice. We used ADAC when their policies weren't restricted to only German nationals, superb organisation.
It looks like a decent policy. When my wife and I got sick in Europe we had to pay upfront and the insurance reimbursed us. American hospitals and doctors do not accept all insurance. If you do have to go to the hospital or emergent care you will be asked what insurance you have and they will inform you as to whether they accept it. when we travel around the US we use emergent care facilities as most accept Medicare and Tricare For Life. Our son uses Veterans Administration for his medical needs but many emergent care facilities do not accept the VA. He ends up going to a hospital emergency room. You want avoid those if possible. Wait times could be several hours.
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I understand where the OP is coming from in not recommending openly until they have more detailed experience. I used to belong to another forum in the UK, and had other members lambast some recommendations I made, because their experience didn't match.
That's why I tend not to make too many open recommendations, but am happy to advise privately.
Not everyone on forums act as responsible adults.
Just my opinion and experience.
It can definitely be a hassle, especially with the added challenge of being over 70. But don't worry, I've got some info that might help.The rules for travel and medical insurance can be a bit different for foreigners. But have you considered checking out Medigap? They have a ton of options for travelers, and the site https://www.remedigap.com/medicare-supplements/medicare-plan-n-vs-plan-g/ can help you compare different plans and find the best one for your needs.I totally understand that the offer you got from Staysure was a bit short of what you're looking for, and the cost was a bit of a shock.
I don't think the Medigap plan is available to travellers into the US from abroad. On their website the first thing it asks is what US state you are from.

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