Mini Rally in the Tetons & Yellowstone

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Feb 22, 2016
Steve and I had the opportunity to spend time with Dreamsend - Linda.  What a lovely time we had, sharing a campfire and some delicious food and a few beverages in the Tetons.  We then spent a few days together in Yellowstone trying to find the wildlife.  Great time had by all....
    Where are the Forum police?  I was always chastised if there was no picture, and I called it a mini rally.  ;)  Thanks for sharing.


Hfx_Cdn said:
    Where are the Forum police?  I was always chastised if there was no picture

According to the latest memo...

If no picture is offered as proof of alleged "Mini Rally"...Then said "Mini Rally" did not happen.

Well I did take some but not everyone likes their faces (Or other body parts - Rene and Bill) being published.... honest.
Hi Folks,

Perhaps with some creative photo shopping, you can mix and match body parts to make everyone look good!  ;D
camperAL said:
Hi Folks,

Perhaps with some creative photo shopping, you can mix and match body parts to make everyone look good!  ;D

Ih I love that idea!  I hope to get to go to a rally, mini or otherwise, one day!
Sheesh Jackie I wasn't trying to start a body shaming string, but it has always been the practice to post a picture or 2, and I have been criticized for not having done so.  I'd show you the scars on my back from the lashes I took, but they have mostly healed over the years.  For our Annual Florida Mini Rally, we even have an official photographer.  8)

    Haven't seen you folks since Yellowstone.  Let me check with the boss, and also, there are several Framily in or near Lakeland.

When is Balloon Fest? We might be around the area depending when it is.


Edit: never mind, just read the other post. Unfortunately we are not available on those dates. Hopefully another time.
Balloon fest is starting this coming Thursday, 2/27 -3/1.  However short term forecast is high winds on opening day and not so great weather over the weekend, we will stay put.
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