My big boy cat is not the sharpest thing sometimes

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2017
50 miles south of Atlanta, GA
Well its raining here. Has been off and on since morning. My boy cat, Griffin wanted out earlier and I figured he would stay on the screened in back porch. But..... noooo..... he went off in the yard somewhere (he never goes far, no more than a hundred feet or so from the back door).

Well, I decided I needed to get him inside, and sure enough, he left the porch. The rain slacked and I went out to the shop to cover up a battery I had left out on the back ramp. (it exploded on me this afternoon and I just put it out there while cleaning up the mess.)

When leaving the shop to go back to the house he meets me at the shop door, soaking wet. I dried him as best as I could while he was eating.
The female is smart, she stays in or under cover when it rains, but he ain't right, 18 lbs of fluff and no brains (sometimes) :love:



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Have one of those too, a big handsome guy that isn't too bright. With a twin sister that must have gotten all the smart genes in that litter. But at least he knows that he doesn't like wet fur!
I have Louie, found as a 6 week-old kitten when he came wandering up to me and the dogs in the back yard. Originally Little Lucky Louie but now just Louis since he’s a behemoth sloth. His favorite is to watch the black designs on my countertop come and go in the slots of his box as I slide it along. I think he also has a touch of dementia as each day is a new one for him. But ya gotta love him. Not at all phased when 3 dogs play tag with him either.

Friends had a cat who when he wanted out and it was raining at the front door, would go around to the back door and be surprised it was raining out that door too.
Friends had a cat who when he wanted out and it was raining at the front door, would go around to the back door and be surprised it was raining out that door too.
Many, many years ago Robert A. Heinlein wrote an SF story called The Door Into Summer (1956)-- it had time travel and some other things, but the title came from a cat in the story who did exactly what you wrote above. Of course Heinlein was a cat lover...

Wkipedia has this explanation from Heinlein:

The idea for the novel came from an incident outlined by Heinlein later:

When we were living in Colorado there was snowfall. Our cat—I'm a cat man—wanted to get out of the house so I opened a door for him but he wouldn't leave. Just kept on crying. He'd seen snow before and I couldn't understand it. I kept opening other doors for him and he still wouldn't leave. Then Ginny said, "Oh, he's looking for a door into summer." I threw up my hands, told her not to say another word, and wrote the novel The Door into Summer in 13 days.[2]
Many, many years ago Robert A. Heinlein wrote an SF story called The Door Into Summer (1956)-- it had time travel and some other things, but the title came from a cat in the story who did exactly what you wrote above. Of course Heinlein was a cat lover...

Wkipedia has this explanation from Heinlein:

The idea for the novel came from an incident outlined by Heinlein later:
Great novel, and my favorite author.
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