My Quartzsite preparations.

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Courtesy rules. Try not to start to early (for us non morning persons) and turn off around 10pm +. We will run generator for coffee and lunch but turn off once task done unless we must charge something now. We run generator in evening to watch TV and charge stiff. You have the whole day so if you need it - so use it.

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Last time we were there there was a discount mart nears kens market that we really liked. They didnt have everything but what they had was cheap. Cant remember the name but it was on 95 in town
If it was in a tent it was run by Ken who had a stroke earlier this summer and announced his retirement. Shortly afterwards he gave away the entire remaining inventory of his stores, just placed it all outside and invited people to come by and load up. It's unlikely either of his stores will reopen.
As for generators, the BLM actually has rules saying generator hours are over at 10:00 pm. I can’t remember the start time, but if you start before 7:00 somebody is bound to not be happy. They are pretty generous, and unless your neighbors complain mightily nobody is going around giving tickets for generator use. I doubt they have the time for it even if your neighbor complains. After all, we have wheels! But I try to keep my generator between 8:00 am - 9:00 pm. Then again, I don’t need the generator to make coffee 🤣
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