On the Road Motor Home Shut Down

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From the transmission's perspective there is no difference between loss of spark or fuel and taking your foot off the gas. I can't speak to this exact chassis, for all I know as soon as the ECM figured out it lost control it commanded the trans to neutral, but it hasn't been my experience. The symptom as described would have me looking at primary supply before a wonky sensor or module.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
Thank you guys for all the information.
Considering everything that has been said , I will approach it this way.
- Going to replace the CPS as advised even though I don’t think that’s the problem in question. Sounds like a good thing to do.
- Will replace the ignition switch. I already purchased one. Only after market is available.
- Will drive motor home more often locally to see if I can get a shut down or not.
- Depending on results, I will look at the ECM/PCM.
If you have any other suggestions or comments I would certainly appreciate it.
Thanks again
I have trip planned for October to do some beach camping at South Carlsbad State Beach. I have to get some quick confidence back in my second home.
Something to entertain is an OBD monitor. This can capture events in real time that may not store a code. Kinda nerdy because you have to come up to speed on the software and engine/sensor operation. But it's your eyes and ears into the driveline particulars that aren't normally observable while driving. I don't drive my RV without one, it gives me visibility of engine and transmission operation and confidence everything is "normal", and facilities to troubleshoot on the road if necessary.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM

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