Painting (oil and acrylic)

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
Elizabeth, NJ
Looking for other folks who paint and RV ....Any tips on taking this hobby on the road....Also I'm looking for anyone who I might learn more from in the Denver area....  I've retired from my engineering job ;) in Feb and now have taken up a new hobby to add to the 50 year hobby (religion) of flyfishing....    :)




  • flyfisherman in the aspens in the frame 1.jpg
    flyfisherman in the aspens in the frame 1.jpg
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Nice work Bill!

What is on your easel right now?

I do not live in Colorado but I would be glad to give you pointers here if you like. Just let me know what you need help with.

Very nice. I can not even draw a straight line like the others however I can draw flies...Keep up the great work...
Here are few more.... I'm trying to integrate the two hobbies.... flyfishing and painting....


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    aspens small.jpg
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  • Rainbow on the line (in frame) small.jpg
    Rainbow on the line (in frame) small.jpg
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I have a practical question... when you work in oil and have, say 7 pieces that need to dry... which can take, like 2 weeks, how do you store this much stuff in a RV? Last time I tried it, we hit a bump and whamo, they fell against each other, smearing the paint... turned into a real mess.  These were only 16X20...I cannot imagine what it woulda been like if the paintings had been larger.  Finally I decided to just do sketches while travelling, plus photos, then do the paintings in the studio.  Oil paint is really difficult to clean up when it gets on the storage compartment liner... just throw 'em away, LOL.

Anyway just thought I'd ask.

Fantastic work Sandeel!

  I see you work thin at times and make the most of transparent color. Nice job!

Regarding transporting wet canvases- my husband built me a carrier that I use even when home.
He built two of them, one for panels and the other for stretched canvases. They work fantastic!

Here was his inspiration for mine:

They do not have to be made from wood either- I have seen them made from pizza boxes and duct tape. :)

They keep the paintings separated while drying and protect them from being knocked about or getting dusty.



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I finally turned the 2nd bedroom into a studio......


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Awesome! You are multi-media!

Which is your favorite so far?
Yes, I paint. Plein air, Still life and the figure. When I get to my home computer I can post a few of the Plein air pieces from my travels...
I'm just starting to RV, and thinking about bringing art supplies on the road. I initially discounted oils because of the wet canvas problem, so I was glad to see the wet canvas carrier that someone posted. I also do pastels, and that would work there too. Nice!!

I haven't painted 15 years, so I don't have anything to show, but maybe in a year I'll be able to post some cool work too.

Do you have a portable easel or small portable oil or acrylic kit?
I have a French easel & a small portable oil kit. Panel carriers are available from Ray Mar Art, along with high quality linen panels.

The travel trailer is great for going to Plein Air events!!

Edit: Fixed link.
Weird. I posted a link to Raymar Art and the RV site made what I typed the link and deleted the link???

Also it would not let me pre-view the post???
Click the underlined text and it will link to

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