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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2014
A month or so back I posted a 19 second snippet of a piece I've been working on.  That was difficult for me to do but I somehow survived.  I've decided to post a link to some of my music on here.  Some old, some new, and some just finished today.  All of it was written by me except "Mercy Of The Wheels" which was written by John Gorka.  I performed it 'live' at a celebration of life not long ago.  Not a dry eye in the house.

Wow, very nice Mud. I only listened to Goodbye/Hello since I have a game seven tonight but I will be back tomorrow to listen to all of them. Is that two or three guitars?
Three guitars on about 7 tracks if I remember right.  The stuff I?m doing now is using upwards of 20-30 tracks.  Plus VST midi instruments.
Beuutiful Russ. My dad left us a few years back. I'd welcome the opportunity to go back and say a few words that I never did when he was alive.
Strong my friend!
Alpena Jeff said:
Beuutiful Russ. My dad left us a few years back. I'd welcome the opportunity to go back and say a few words that I never did when he was alive.
Strong my friend!

Same here.  I was the last person to talk to my dad before he passed.  I would love to talk to him again.  That’s part of the reason I like that song so much.  John does two more lines in the chorus but I think they interrupt the flow and feeling of the some so I don’t use them..
SeilerBird said:
You must have some very good equipment. I can't get more than two tracks to sound ok. Keep up the good work.

Yes & no.  Most of that was recorded on a Mac using a MOTU 8 channel FireWire interface and ProTools, high $ mics etc.  Pricy stuff.  Then I used a Tascam FireWire interface and Cubase SE.  But now I?m using a computer I rescued from a recycling bin, a $122 Beheringer Uphoria 4 channel USB interface (there are cheaper ones) and a $49 version of Cubase Elements.  The mics are the same ones I?ve used for live sound for many years.

Whatever software you?re using probably has a latency setting.  If your tracks are getting out of sync as you add more ?stuff? that may be the issue.  I had that issue using Audacity.  It?s free but sometimes you get what you pay for. 

8Muddypaws said:
Yes & no.  Most of that was recorded on a Mac using a MOTU 8 channel FireWire interface and ProTools, high $ mics etc.  Pricy stuff.  Then I used a Tascam FireWire interface and Cubase SE. 
Say what? Not one of my gifts but wish it was.
Wow! I just listened to Lindsays Dance and Goodbye/Hello, and they're very nice, great performances and mixing. Thanks for sharing that, Russ.

I'll listen to more when I have time.
Wonderful Russ, thanks for allowing us to enjoy.
Recently finished a new song, but it's an old song.  I've been sitting in it for many years because I could never get through it even in my room with no audience.  I pushed myself and re-wrote the lyrics, deleted two verses and added another, dusted off my resonator and made it work.

The song originally came to me in an actual dream.  The dream was like watching a music video.  The saddest one you could ever imagine.

It's called 'Faith'.  https://soundcloud.com/russell-causey/faith  (I wish I had recorded this before my pipes got old & rusty)

I lost count of how many tracks & takes it took to make this.  Many.

Wow what a beautiful song.It real hit home.

While I really enjoy the guitar work I would like to hear the singing as well. I had to get the headphones and crank it up.

As a person who has done some sound work on the side. I will let you in a a little secret. Most people don't like the sound of their own voice. You did a great job on a wonderful song.

Next time I would suggest set your vocal level where you like it.....Then turn it up 10% more..

Great Job!!

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