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I wrote this a few weeks ago. It only took a couple of hours. Tracking it took longer but not my much. It's different than most of my other stuff in that it's all true. We've had three Goldens and between them they've done every one of these things. And more! I could have written a dozen more verses.

Yesterday I heard "Maggie's Song" for the first time. Mrs. Muddypaws told me it's about a Golden Retriever as well. The two songs are nothing alike.

I just had an endoscopy and my voice has not recovered yet. I'm working on it. I'll probably do a whole new take on this song the next time I get in the studio. We're hittin' the road!

I know it's been a while. My projects are getting more and more complex and take more time. I do have several new projects is various states of completion.

I just uploaded a song I co-wrote with Iris Brooks. It was all done via emails and texts. She wrote most of the lyrics and I wrote all of the music and changed a few lines/words.

Warning! The song is political and supports conservative values.

Once again Russ, really nice songs and nicely performed. Thanks for sharing.
I released this one yesterday. I acquired a pair of Lewitt instrument mics. I think they sound pretty good. They pick up everything! The guitar track was recorded in one take. No overdubs, no lane changing, and very little in the way of EQing or reverb. The guitar is a 1994 Taylor 815C, the violin, bass and everything else are from a software synthesizer. A really good one I think.

Nice, Russ. You're right, that is a good synth, and that Taylor does sound great too. And in spite of your protests about your "poor voice" I think it sounds good, even though it's likely different from what you had years back.

Thanks for sharing these.
I learned some new stuff about producing and mastering my little songs In Cubase. They're not perfect but I think I made them better. I've already spotted some things I should change!

They're all here:
This link gives access to everything, some are far back as the mid 90s.

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