Quartzsite 2025 non-organized rally 18-26 January 2025

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2014
Cedar Falls, IA
I call this a non-organized rally because it really is! You don't have to tell us you are coming, you don’t have to stay the entire time, you don’t even have to stay in an RV! I will be camping in the La Posa Tyson Wash Long Term Visitor Area (LTVA) in southern Arizona for most of January and February, maybe more. Cost for this year if you are camping in the LTVA is $40 for 14 days. You can also stay in free areas farther away, but the LTVA provides access to trash, a dump station, and fresh water. There are also RV parks in town, but they fill up fast this time of year. Any interested parties are invited to show up. Some people staying in Yuma or Lake Havasu show up for occasional activities. The “plans” are that we have a Happy Hour every day at 4:00; we will take some type of a sturdy vehicle tour on Wednesday (type depending on group interest); on Saturday, 25 January, we will have a pot luck at 2:00; and we will be going to the Desert Bar outside of Parker, AZ on Sunday, 26 January. The final location rally will be announced after we get set up, but it will be somewhere in the southwest area of Tyson Wash LTVA. I make sure the location is easy for big motorhomes to get to since that is what we have too. It is nice to let me know if you intend on coming, but I handle changes in plans pretty well!

There are lots of things to do in the area. The famous Quartzsite RV show, a great little museums in town, lots of old ghost towns and mines to visit if you have a sturdy vehicle, Cibola National WIldlife Area with hundreds of wintering sandhill cranes plus lots of other birds, along with beautiful sunrises and sunsets. The weather can be cool this time of year, especially after the sun goes down when the dry desert air allows the heat to escape quickly. But the days are generally nice.

Note the BLM has requested comments on a proposal to raise fees significantly in 2026. Here is a link to the proposal: BLM seeks input on plans to modernize management of Arizona recreation sites | Bureau of Land Management Quartzsite is under the Yuma field office. You are highly encouraged to provide comments.

Pencil us in for the show week. We will let you know arrival date when plans firm up.

Jennifer and Dan
Thanks Pam and Kevin for continuing the RV Forum's long tradition of annual Quartzsite rallies. I made this thread sticky so it stays at the top of the Rally section.
I'm looking forward to attending. Any idea if the new dump station and holding ponds are in use yet? Last I heard they were complete but not being used due to a lack of adequate water supply and that issue is being litigated with the contractor.
I understand the only dump stations are the ones in La Posa South. Not enough water, as you said. I am sure the contracting officers are having a big snit.
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