Quartzsite Rally January 2024

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Although, with the Yuma Swap Meet shutting down (the one at the old dog track) it will be interesting to see if any of their vendors make their way north this year. The adjacent Border Patrol station bought their land to expand their operations.
I wondered how much it changed. I cannot remember what year it was when Tom & I went there, but I do recall it was about two years before Janie died, who we met there at Q. She used to be very active in this forum when it was on Compuserve, so I assume you know who I mean, but I cannot now remember her last name. I also cannot now remember her username. She was an RV full-timer.

I also know there are other Jenies in this forum back then.

-Don- Reno, NV
That pretty much covers it.

Huge tent full of vendors of all types of RV and other products.

Giant flea market that goes on for a mile.

Lots of RVs for sale by dealers.

Happy hour each night.

Pot luck dinner towards the end.

Then we all celibrate my birthday with dancing girls and free helicopter rides.

Well I might have been embellishing the story a little at the end.
But only about the free helo rides. :cool:
Others have covered the basics of the RV show (lots and lots of RVs), mostly Class As but a sampling of others plus flea markets and odd vendors of all types. But the rock vendors and the Pow Wow (a rock and gem show with an incredible number of vendors) is fabulous too. We won’t be staying at our traditional spot in Tyson Wash because of the new construction, but a new spot will be announced when whoever gets there first picks one. Looks like it might be Wendy and Mike this time. We won’t be there until after Christmas, but they will be there before Christmas. The location in lat/lon will be posted along with directions as soon as we get settled.
...wonder where dogs are not allowed?
At food events, primarily at happy hour (traditionally held at 4PM at the campfire ring) and at the potluck.

At happy hour typically some folks bring some snacks to share, and someone might bring some wine or such- it just varies with what folks want to do.
As Larry said, we don’t allow dogs when there is food. People who come to visit have been known to leave their dogs in their vehicle with open windows or to tie them up at a cooperative RV doorstep for shade if it is hot.

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