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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Are you offering to validate the posted call signs?
Has that been an issue here? What do you need me to do for the validate?

It's very easy to do on:


Any ham can check any callsign and see name and address, including email addresses, in most cases. Non-hams can check other stuff about the ham that the ham wishes to post there.

For an example, check me out as AA6GA on QRZ.Com.

You do NOT have to log in as a ham unless you want my address and e-mail.

-Don- Reno, NV AA6GA/7
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Has that been an issue here? What do you need me to do for the validate?
Probably nothing if it's limited to this thread. Previously, I was asked to create a file for our library listing members and their call signs. In that case, a member volunteered to validate the entries; Not something I have any interest or time to do.
In that case, a member volunteered to validate the entries; Not something I have any interest or time to do.
Well, I have been doing it anyway! Every time I see a new callsign show up here, I check it. In fact, I just did it a short while ago today with kd7vea which is also a username here. Locations match and all, so we know it's legit.

If you mean you want me to make a list of such, sure, I can do that also.

BTW, I hope all hams who post their callsigns anywhere at all on the web knows that such means the entire on-line world knows the address and e-mail and as posted on QRZ. Hams who do NOT want such info known by people on-line should never post their callsigns anywhere.

IMO, not a big deal as any ham in the world can look up any ham they hear over the air anyway. Just on-line opens it up to even more hams as more people see the callsign and see the address. Only need to log on with a ham callsign for addresses and email. No log-on required for other info the ham posted there. Not all hams post stuff on their own page, but most do. Anybody can still look up the callsign regardless if a ham or not. And any ham can check the address regardless if the ham being looked up posted anything there or not.

I just thought I should explain QRZ.COM here to those who are not familiar with it.

-Don- AA6GA /7 Reno, NV
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K8KJB. I’m not terribly active. Rag chew on 20, 40 and 80 phone.
Kevin, OM,

I can see you're not very active with only 273 look-ups on QRZ. But perhaps you have only been a ham since 2018.

I have 9,122 look-ups even after being inactive for around 40 years.

Is that a Harley Road Glide Ultra shown on your page? M8 engine? If so, I also own one.

My main rig at my two houses is the Yaesu FTdx1200. Mine doesn't come with a cat.:)

From the RV, I run a KX2 and KXPA100 RF amp to a TW antenna that takes about three minutes to set up.

73, -Don- AA6GA/7 Reno, NV
2008 Ultra Classic. Anniversary paint scheme. That replaced a 93 Anniversary Ultra. Apples and oranges. Road that to Biketoberfest In 2018. I run an FTDX 3000. The cat can’t get on it since I went to the rack mount. I may have to dig the key out, brush up and set up a sked with you sometime. Seems like the bands have been a little weak recently. I have a Kenwood 440 sat that is ready to go portable again some day.
Oh, I believe I got re-licensed in 2018. I’ve been a ham since 1986 or 87. Then a 7-8 year hiatus unlicensed. Took the tech test and got my extra class ticket back.
Very much not active. Only have a pair of Yamaha walkie-talkie on board.
I own a pair of Yaesu FT60's and a couple of other VHF/UHF handy talkies that have not been turned on in many years. I cannot even remember the other brands as they are at the other house. I only have the one FT-60 here and I just had to go in the ham shack (sun room in this house) to see what it was. I do not bring them on my RV trips or anything. But I will not leave in an RV without my HF gear.

I assume most with a family to deal with don't get on the air much. People like me who are all alone, are more likely be much more active hamming away. I don't think I could handle an RV trip without my HF ham gear these days.

73, -Don- AA6GA/7 Reno, NV
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I may have to dig the key out, brush up and set up a sked with you sometime.
Here the HF bands seem weak. When I was on my RV trip last month to the SE states, the bands didn't seem bad at all. Just look at my log books (separate log book for the /7 area only) on QRZ.COM for Mid Nov until early Feb. I say where I am located in each log entry when on an RV trip.

73, -Don- AA6GA/7 Reno, NV
Oh, I believe I got re-licensed in 2018. I’ve been a ham since 1986 or 87.
I have been a ham since the mid 1960's when the bands were very hot.

But I was inactive for many years in the middle. I just got active again a few years ago.

BTW, seems the math doesn't add up. IIRC, the peak sunspot cycle is every 11 years. Five 11 year cycles after 1965 would be year 2020, when the bands were extra cold.

So I just looked it up here. I didn't realize 11 years is only a common average, it can vary from 9 to 14 years. I guess that plus the chart shown there explains why the HF conditions are still poor, coupled with less hams on HF these days. Especially on CW, since there is no longer a requirement for any class of license. Things sure have changed, but I am not so sure if it's for the better.

73, -Don- AA6GA/7 Reno, NV
I will tell you (some of you) about advances in ham radio... though some old timers argue it's not really radio.. Digital voice modes.. D-Star, DMR, YSF and so on.

With these modes, which use mostly FM. like FM you can talk radio to radio. Radio to Repeater to Radio.. but wait there's more.. Radio to Repeater (or hotspot) to INTERNET to Radio, repeater or hotspot. (Some of the newer radios connect direct to the internet)

Most all the digital modes work close enough to the dame way (Some terms change) that I will describe only D-Star..

To my left as I type is an ICOM IC-51A+2 in Terminal mode.. a Data cable connects it to a Raspberry PI zero W (10 bucks from Sparkfun) Plus memory card. also in the box is a cell phone recharge battery (5.00 clearance wal*mart) and extra cable. NO RF. I connet the pi-to either my house or phone wi-fi and from there to a "Reflector" (This works like a disco mirror ball. Send a signal to it and it "Reflects" to in the case of 030C over 800 remote locations.. Some (most) are "Smaller") These remotes may be other "Coolspots" as I call mine, or Hotspots (more on that in a second) or Reflectors or a direct connect radio. ANYWHERE ON EARTH.

Behind me is an ICOM 5100A (Got it for free) 5-25-50 watt VHF/UHF FM/D-star
It is a dual radio (Two receivers in one box. both dual band, one transmitter) on the low power setting it monitors one and scans another hotspot. these are small (like 30mW) transceivers, simplex. connected to additional Raspberry pi-zero-w-h (About 15 bucks with header pins at sparkfun) other than the link to the pi is RF. same as the cool spot. The 5100 also scans a couple of D-star Repeaters (And several FM) in the area. Those D-Star repeaters are also connected to different reflectors (as are the two hotspots) so I'm monitoring a total of 4 Reflectors here.

I've talked to Hong Kong from Michigan (half way around the world)
Also... There is a D-Star radio on the International Space Station. So the sky, is no longer the limit. (have heard the FM transmitter on the ISS. never talked to 'em however)

Oh on the ID-51A+2.... I push a few buttons. it's an FM/D-star Radio same as the 5100 though not as powerful being hand held.
Huh, I've been on this forum 3 years and haven't seen this thread bubble to the surface before. Been a ham 40 years or so, favorite activities are HF CW mobile and portable ops. Did communications in the USAF (304x4) and had a stint doing commercial 2-way with motorola. Currently working for an outfit that supplies microwave radio gear to 3 letter agencies. I keep portable HF and FM satellite gear in the RV and for me every camping trip is Field Day.

Mark K5LXP
Albuquerque, NM

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