RVing without dogs.

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2012
Today we put the last of our three Mini schnauzers down at 14. They were all the same age and having three get old at once takes it's toll on you and your wallet and well, these will be the last.

We have had dogs for 30 years and have never been camping together without them. The house is empty and I can imagine the trailer will be worse. Much of what we did while camping revolved around them as in such a confined space we dealt with them constantly. Even the fact that we have a trailer instead of a TC is because we needed room for them. I think that first trip in the spring is going to be a rough one.



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When our cat, Cinderella died.. I went directly to a Humane Society shelter and came home with Hector Newton.. Now he was a he (Cinder of course was a she) but nutered.

My wife screamed and hollered.."Cinder is barley dead, do you think he will take her place?" (no I did not but read on for what I thought) . but about 2 days later she said "You did know what you were doing didn't you" (Yes I did) as Hector clawed (Well he was also de-clawed) Pawed out a place of his own.

My recommendation to you is included above.
That is tough, I am so sorry for your loss. We had to let our toy poodles go last fall, the house was too empty without them so after three weeks we got Millie, a Shih Tzu Maltese Yorkie cross who is the most lovable little rascal imaginable. She hasn't replaced Lulu and Gigi in our hearts, a special place remains for them.
I doubt that they will be the last for you, you will meet a furry bundle of energy that will steal your hearts and ease the pain. ;D
I often think how easier it would be without my two dogs underfoot, letting them out, then in then out again. Trying to maneuver around my kitchen with just the two I sometimes feel like Im wading through a sea of dogs. But then I read posts like this, and think of not having these two with me anymore and all that other stuff seems so unimportant. My dogs make me laugh, they relieve my stress, life would not be nearly so fun without them.
I too am sorry. 

Missing a pet hurts, no matter the size (I've had to put down dogs, cats, and also a horse) but they remain in our hearts forever.  About the time I grumble and groan at dog and cat hair all over in here, especially during shedding time --- which for Bailey seems to be about 12 months out of the year --- one of them will do something wonderful and heart-warming that says I can put up with muddy paws at the door, scratchy hay down my shirt, lugging in dog food and out cat litter.

In time..... in time.....
Over the years we have had several pets pass on and after the last one went we decided no more.

It's just like losing your children and we couldn't take it anymore.

They say time heals all...but it takes a while.

Thank you all.

It does hurt but honestly there is a sense of relief too. It's been a few years of worrying are they ok, are they suffering, is today the day....

While I have tossed the 12 or so beds around the house, I have put the gates, kennels, and other hard items downstairs for now. After hearing never again I have already heard only two next time. It didn't help when something went bump in the night and with no dogs......

When we lost our Shepard of 14 years, the DW knew immediately that she needed one to fill the void in her heart. A week later she found "Heidi" and helped her heal.  It's been going on 7 years now, and she is still happy about it.
We let a year and a half pass after we lost our cocker spaniel, of about 14 years. I wanted some down time from dog caretaking, and to let myself see how I would like being dog-less.

I have to say there were advantages, and definitely a cost-savings. We thought long and hard about whether or not we wanted to bring another dog into our lives.

We also have senior horses and have lost 3 over the past 4 years  ... have 3 more here who are on the shorter side of life. We finally decided that, knowing the heartache coming our way with these horses (nobody gets out alive and that really sucks), we would get a puppy. With all of the craziness that goes along with having a puppy, she has brought us so much joy and laughter and renewed energy. She is the reason we bought the TT, too!

My advice is to give yourself some time and act intentionally. It's a reaction to say "no more," and it's a reaction to go out and get another right away. No right or wrong about it, but if you let a few moons rise before you decide, you can be more comfortable that you are make an intentional choice.

I never thought I would get another puppy ... but the place was feeling a lot like a retirement home and the youthfulness of a pup turned out to be exactly what we needed!

So sorry for your heart, sending healing thoughts your way.
There is always that lonely place after they are gone. For me I simply cannot live there very long. I think only people who share their lives with animals understand. They will all be very happy to see you on the other side of the bridge.
I am so very sorry for your loss.  Allow yourself time to grieve and to go through the emotions of missing your loved pet.  If and when you are ready for another furry companion, you will know.  No firm decisions have to be made while the hurt still lingers.  About two and half years ago, I adopted rescue pup...a Shih Tzu I named Willee.  Truth be told, he has rescued me more than I have him, but he is such an important part of my life.  Again, I am so truly sorry for your loss.
Sorry about the loss of your dogs.  I can't imagine losing more than one at a time. 

One thing you should consider are the laws in the state(s) you camp in.  In the map below, green colored states do not allow camping without dogs.  Red states allow camping without dogs.  Didn't want you to be in violation of the law.


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I can't imagine losing three dogs close to the same time, losing one at a time is hard enough. My last dog was named Czar, a Doberman /Rottweiler mix who i adopted at 2yrs of age in 1999. He died in my arms on March 20th 2009 and it left a lasting impact on me. A year later, almost to the day i got Blitz and i don't go anywhere without him. That said, i can't imagine life without mans best friend and although they have their needs and sometimes we can't do what we may want to because we have them with us, i wouldn't have it any other way. The only thing on this planet that can love you unconditionally until the day they die and they SHOW IT , is a dog. Get another ,, not 3 , just one and fill your heart back up,, with a dogs love , the purest love on the planet ! I'm sorry for your pain as i know it all to well.
It's been a while, I wanted to say thank you and that the map made me smile.

I have to admit I've come close to getting another. There have been a few rescues including a little black schnauzer that was the spitting image of my boy. The issue was I went full time in the trailer and the rescues are not so interested in that.
    The other thing is I'd need a teacup sized dog with a 10 pound limit on what I can lift. I couldn't run after them if they ran off, I don't even walk very far at a stretch. I have to make sure it's fair to the dog too.

That said I almost melted when I saw a teacup black schnauzer for the first time. Four pounds and all the attitude you could expect. Sigh

Sounds like another pooch is just out there waiting to be loved. So sorry for your loss. Our Jack Russell died a few years ago and I miss him dearly. Not ready to have another and can't due to our travelling, but we will have another at some point.
If not for the fact the owner is turning away folks cause "There's no room at the INN" (Yes he even put one RVer back at the stables.. how Bibical) I'd say come visit.  Nearest Adoption center is like 2 miles.
JiminDenver said:
  It didn't help when something went bump in the night and with no dogs......

That's what happened with us when we had to put our Doberman at rest. Every noise in the night was questioned ! One of my fav sayings is "A doberman in the yard (house) is better than a shotgun by the door."

We now have another Dobie rescue.

Down to just two is a big step after saying "never again". They just dont live long enough, be glad you got 14 years with yours. We only got 7 1/2 with each of our last two Dobers and both died of cancer.


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