The 13 best non-Tesla EVs

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2005
Auburn, CA or Reno, NV
I think of the word "best" as a BS word. It mainly depends on whom asked, IMO. We all care about different things. "Best" to one could be the "worst" to another.

But here is that MSN says.

-Don- Auburn, CA
BMW iX! Yeah!

The Polestar is awesome too, friend of ours has one. My Aunt (in her 70's!) has a Mach E and she absolutely loves it. And we know people with Teslas too, they rave about them.
I believe the administration is on the right track, as Chinese EV automakers could flood the market and really put the hurt on the US auto industry, woefully under-prepared to compete. Problem is, the US auto industry isn't out there making a $15k EV yet. There's an element of competition that needs to happen as well, not just isolationism. US automakers better get their collective butts in gear on this one if they want to save their own bacon.
I believe the administration is on the right track, as Chinese EV automakers could flood the market
One thing for sure is that the price of EVs will soon be cheaper than ICE if nothing is done to control the price of the Chinese EVs.

Probably EVs will soon be cheaper anyway.

-Don- Auburn, CA
I believe the administration is on the right track, as Chinese EV automakers could flood the market and really put the hurt on the US auto industry, woefully under-prepared to compete. Problem is, the US auto industry isn't out there making a $15k EV yet. There's an element of competition that needs to happen as well, not just isolationism. US automakers better get their collective butts in gear on this one if they want to save their own bacon.
Remember what happened with Japanese auto makers? They began selling really cheap cars, cheap as in very low price and low quality.
American auto makers tried to mimic that with low priced cars of lower quality, which in the end failed.. Today Japanese autos are generally more expensive than American-owned auto makers, and quality is IMO a bit better too.
Perhaps the same thing will happen with Chinese autos. ( but I'm still concerned with all the computers in new autos and the Chinese heavy hand in everything exported.
Remember what happened with Japanese auto makers? They began selling really cheap cars, cheap as in very low price and low quality.
American auto makers tried to mimic that with low priced cars of lower quality, which in the end failed.. Today Japanese autos are generally more expensive than American-owned auto makers, and quality is IMO a bit better too.
Perhaps the same thing will happen with Chinese autos. ( but I'm still concerned with all the computers in new autos and the Chinese heavy hand in everything exported.

More recently, Kia/Hyundai. Quite the showing in the affordable vehicle market. Quality has been here and there, but many people speak highly of them. And they’re getting into EV’s too.

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