Time to hang up the full time keys :(

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Well-known member
Nov 22, 2010
Where our wheels take us!
I knew it was probably coming since my stroke last April, but hoped for better. During my appoint with my primary this morning that she requested, she dialed up a pre-arranged conference call with my cardiologist, neurologist, and physical therapist, and they all agreed that it wasn't safe for me to continue driving our motorhome for now. Some things they hoped would improve have unfortunately gotten worse. My stamina has declined to the point where I can't be active for more than a few minutes at a time, making hooking up the car for moves a 15-20 minute process instead of the 5 minutes it used to take. My balance has also declined so much that I've been forced to move from using a single cane to using two canes, and recently to using a walker. The doctors did agree that I should keep our spring and summer NY State park reservations in place, in hopes that I'll improve enough by then. Our NY reservations are all within 2 hours or less of our Adirondack cottage and permanent camp site, and I was told not to make any further away than that. And in case anyone wonders, my wife's health conditions have kept her out of the motorhome drivers seat for the past several years, so that's not an option.

I suppose at 80, I expected it sooner or later, but I'll admit I was really hoping for later. Fortunately, my wife and I are both still cleared to drive our car, so that's a relief anyway. I have already started canceling 4 months of winter reservations at state and national parks in Georgia and Florida that were to start in January, but I think the one that will hurt the most will be our planned stay at the SKP Sumter Oaks park near Bushnell, FL. We haven't been there in a few years, and were really looking forward to getting back there. We're going to continue to live in the motorhome at our private site until the weather gets cold enough to drive us into the cottage. And I'll be working hard to get clearance from my doctors to drive the motorhome again by spring. I'll still hang around the forums to offer what ever help I can. Wish us well!
Sorry to hear that your health precludes RV operations for now- sure hope you get better soon, but nature gets to us all, sooner or later. Rootin' for you ...
Sorry to hear that Dutch. We're all crossing our fingers that things will improve for you.
I certainly hope you overcome your health issues and can get back in the saddle real soon. Whatever you do, don't stop! Keep moving and moving and moving. I'm only 68 years old, retired about 22 months ago and I've found that if I sit for a few days, I get to the point I don't want to start moving again. It takes ALL my effort to get up and do anything. But once up, after a couple days of activity, I feel robust and energetic again.

So, whatever you do, however you do it, keep moving, keep doing stuff, and don't become a couch potato.

I wish you well. God Speed!
Health issues become a major factor in virtually everyone's life eventually. Stay here on the board and help others out with your knowledge and keep your mind functioning at the same time. I certainly hope you improve.

I'm very much like Dutch, age 68 and retired in July of 2020. I've stayed busy with cats, mechanic work on the vehicles, the travel trailer, and such, and this year much time has been spent helping a neighbor get going after a broken leg. I won't get into how difficult he has made that process:eek:

It sounds like you are working well with your doctors and respecting their advise, and that means a lot, both to them, and for your well being.

Just don't take up snow boarding:ROFLMAO:

Wishing you and yours improved health and mobility in the coming months, Dutch.
Sorry for your news Dutch but keep the faith and hopefully you'll be improved by spring. Keeping everything crossed.
Dutch, as a fellow 80 year old RVer, I'm curious about your doctors belief that it's OK for you to drive an automobile but not an RV. Personally, I feel more comfortable in the RV than I do driving the toad. My guess is none of the 3 medical experts have ever driven an RV and their suggestions may be based on an erroneous belief rather than actual experience. Not suggesting you get in the RV and head out, but I think you might want another opinion. Especially if you still have an interest in RVing.

There's no question that we need to go a bit slower at our age. Maybe a lot slower. But personlly I feel if I slow down too much, I'll exasperate the process of aging. So I'm looking for a happy medium and one that will keep these old bones a bit more nimble. Hopefully you'll continue to improve and possibly get back on the road.
Dutch, I wish you the best outcome, and hope if the RVs keys are hung up, your love of the outdoors continues. Thank you for following DRs advise for yours and all concerned loved ones safety.
We hung up our keys last year and don’t really miss it. Then again, we stay in a permanently set up rv in a CG while in FL for the winter. I don’t miss towing the trailer back and forth, setting it up, breaking it down, packing and unpacking etc.. We do miss meeting new people.
Good luck Dutch wherever the road takes you. Please stay with us as long as you can.
So sorry you are getting grounded. Have you considered limited travel and staying in cabins? Tons of Parks also have cabin rentals.

I am only 62 but I can relate to slowing down. Even in the last 2 years I have noticed it. When I got here I was out cutting tress for like 10 hours a day. These days I am comfortable with 4-6 hours of work.

I think for me it is as much attitude as it is ability. Got to keep moving as long as possible for sure.

I hope you and your wife can find enjoyable things to do together. If you area is like mine there are lots of things for seniors to do.
Greetings NY_Dutch,

Easy to make suggestions for others but only you can really evaluate what is right for you.

Other than being further away from your doctors both your wife and you need, I was wondering if you could have a professional driving service that moves RV's for people.
Have your RV moved to a place you could
travel to in order to stay?

I know that everyone has to decide weather to hang up the keys sooner or later but always wish there might be another way for them to continue. Best Wishes for your health!
Sorry to hear your health is declining, Dutch, but it comes to all of us eventually.

I too am curious that your docs think you can drive a car but not a motorhome. I'll readily grant you probably shouldn't do campsite set-up or other related RVing tasks, but maybe you shouldn't try to carry groceries from the car either. But wondering what those docs think is involved in driving a motorhome? Do they envision it to be like wrestling an alligator!
Sorry to hear your health is declining, Dutch, but it comes to all of us eventually.

I too am curious that your docs think you can drive a car but not a motorhome. I'll readily grant you probably shouldn't do campsite set-up or other related RVing tasks, but maybe you shouldn't try to carry groceries from the car either. But wondering what those docs think is involved in driving a motorhome? Do they envision it to be like wrestling an alligator!
The docs thinking seems to be not so much the physical effort required to drive the motorhome, but rather the distances we go with it year round that take us well away from our familiar medical care. Last winter while we were in Florida, my wife had a bad COPD flareup that put her in the hospital for 6 days, And just as she was being released, I came down with an acute case of bronchitis that fortunately only needed intervention at an urgent care center. Being able to visit our own doctors that we've known for years would have been much more comforting at the time. Staying within a couple hours of our base will be reassuring for us at least. Thanks for the kind words, Gary!
... she dialed up a pre-arranged conference call with my cardiologist, neurologist, and physical therapist, and they all agreed that it wasn't safe for me to continue driving our motorhome for now.
DAMN those doctors, always thinking about what's best for you! ;)

I expect everyone reading the details of your situation can't help but think about when the day will come that they will be facing a similar situation, and decision.

Actually pretty amazing that up to this point, despite age and some setbacks along the way, you guys were still out there getting it done, doing what you love.

But certainly you've read the fine print when you signed on to this forum wherein it states that even if you cease RVing, you are required to continue to participate here and offer the same kind of informed input you have always provided everyone here.

Best to you and yours and perhaps we'll cross paths up in the Adirondacks one of these days! (y)

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