To use solar or a generator.

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Either of those batteries would do the job, I think.  If buying in the USA, it might be worthwhile to join Sams Club or Costco. They both have excellent golf cart deep cycle batteries at great prices.
I agree with Wendy - start smaller and see how it goes. 2 batteries and 210-225 AH and one or two 100 watt panels (if your bargain deal comes through). Don't forget you will need a charge controller for the panels as well.  If you will be camping mostly in Canada, your solar output will be decidedly less than optimal - you guys just don't get enough sun up there!  ;) Two panels is probably a necessity with the lower output.

Have you listened to one of the available inverter-type generators like the Honda eu1000i?  It just purrs - amazingly quiet!
I just wanted to thank everyone who is participating in this discussion.  A lot of my questions are being asked.  And answered.  Thank you all!  I've found the power/solar/battery information to be extremely confusing in general, and usually by the 3rd paragraph of an article I'm zoned out.  I'm "getting" it here.  Yippeeee!

We have 270 watts of solar our our 19' travel trailer. Total cost was just under $1800 with us doing the installation. It can be done for a lot less but we wanted name brand equipment with long warranties and good reputations. Now we have clean, quiet power for at least the next 25 years... probably longer. I think the solar will outlast us - LOL. No gas to buy, no oil to change, nothing to load and unload, no worries about theft, etc. The drawback is I cannot run my A/C or microwave on solar but that doesn't bother me one bit.

Jerry n' Cynthia
One thing that is often overlooked is that you don't actually run anything on solar. You run your stuff on batteries (may require an inverter if 120v stuff) and then recharge the batteries with solar power during sunny afternoons.

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