UK pubs open & Brits hugging

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Jan 13, 2005
Rumour has it that pubs in the UK are now open. What are the limits on opening hours?

I heard that, last week, was hugathon week for Brits. The PM announced that public hugging was now OK.

When we lived in the UK, hugging was a no-no. Several years ago, when we visited the UK, I met and automatically hugged the next-door neighbour from my growing-up home. She said "I haven't been hugged by a man since Terry (her deceased husband) died years ago".
Personally, I don't hug men, even friends but always greated with a handshake. Female friends always greated with a hug. New year's Eve party with the caravan group we belong to, midnight everyone hugged and kissed, and every January we would go down with a bad cold. No party at the end of 2020 due to lockdown, but no bad cold in January.
Covid has a lot to answer for.
In Scotland 10.30pm currently for pubs and restaurants Tom.

Our friend was 60 yesterday so we went for lunch with him, his wife and daughter and her partner. Everyone got a hug.

I am not planning on too many trips out yet though. The new variant is causing a bit of concern although they believe current vaccines cope with it.

I'm worried about the impact it may have on the US reopening its borders.
It would be very disappointing if the current variant delays any chance of the US reopening its borders to the UK, but perfectly understandable. Shame our borders aren't so well defended, then we wouldn't have such a potential problem looming.
I am just not a hugger. Never have been. It didn’t used to be so common, but now it seems everybody in the US, even people you have met once, want to hug! I can sometimes get my hand stuck out to shake fast enough, but not always. There actually were some advantages to social distancing. There was also virtually no flu or RSV this year either.
My family weren't huggers and I avoided it until about age 60. Discovered it's a warm experience and have since made it a practice for both men & women with whom I have a long-standing personal relationship. I'm still not a casual hugger, though.
Lots of things getting back to "normal" in the UK

We've already been on one UK Coastal Cruise and another booked for end-June - all have mask wearing but bars, theatre, entertainment etc all open.

We're due back in the US end August for 2 cruises out of Florida - these are for Ann-Marie's 50th Birthday and our 30th Wedding Anniversary.

Things are certainly looking up cruise wise in the US with lots of ships scheduled to restart mid to late July.

Just need the skies to open now - fingers crossed.

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