Virtual Campfire (live Chat)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jan 13, 2005
Our live chat (aka Virtual Campfire) continues on Wednesday evenings. Click the following link, and bookmark it (or save in your favorites): Chat

Max continues to have the gavel, so be sure to behave yourselves.

From one of Max' prior announcements, here are the times for the Chat and Max' Chat hints:

7 pm Eastern Time
6 pm Central Time
5 pm Mountain Time
4 pm Pacific Time.

Helpful Hints
-- When you log in, type in a name you like or your real first name. It doesn't have to be your Forum name.
-- Leave the space for a password blank.
-- Bring your RV and travel questions. If we don't know the answers we will try to direct you to an expert.
-- Participate in the discussion every 15 minutes or you will automatically be logged out. If you don't have anything to say just type in "something".
-- Be sure to log out when you are finished participating.
-- You must have a good sense of humor.
-- If you are new to the Virtual Campfire you have to bring the virtual marshmallows. Refer back to the previous item.
-- Final Hint ... Have Fun!
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I had to search for virtual campfire to see the string announcing how to get there. I am still struggling with finding new, old and string on which I have posted. I am just old school and should learn to navigate the new look forum.


PS: Tom thank you for all the hours I am sure you are putting in to help us all
I had to search for virtual campfire to see the string announcing how to get there. I am still struggling with finding new, old and string on which I have posted. I am just old school and should learn to navigate the new look forum.


PS: Tom thank you for all the hours I am sure you are putting in to help us all
Ed, to find your own posts, go to your profile (click on your name above), and click Your Content. That displays all your posts in chronological order, starting with the most recent.

Meanwhile, now that you've found the Virtual Campfire link, be sure to bookmark it.
I couldn't find how to bookmark the link within the forum, but I tried bookmarking it in Chrome, and it took me in without even having to bring up my name/no password. Didn't know I could do that without logging into the forum. Again, thanks. As for my posts, I have used My Contents, but didn't think it included all of them. By the way, if people haven't noticed, the little bell on the top right will tell you when someone has posted on one of your stings.
It is fun learning all these new toys!

Live Chat starts in one hour. Check the "Chat" link that Tom posted at the beginning of this thread. I hope to see all the regulars and some new people at the Live Chat around the Wednesday Night Virtual Campfire. Please check it out.
Copy i would like to join

Welcome to the forum.
We would love to see you tomorrow night. Max, our chat room moderator, will send a notification tomorrow with a link to get into the chat room. Do not put in a password. As far as a name, it doesn’t have to be the forum name you use. It can be anything that simple for you. Typically we’ll have between 4 and 8 members. It can get a little confusing at times but its still fun.
Oh by the way, seeing it’s your 1st time, you have to bring the virtual marshmallows.
I looked at your profile and I see that you listed your address. You should go in and delete it. No need to have it out there where the whole world could see it. Lots of sick people out there.
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