What games are YOU playing?

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But there are a lot of cards in a Pinochle deck :)
We always used a double deck.  We needed large hands to hold the cards :)
TOC, it is a board game that is fun to play with 4 people and you use cards with the board and marbles, it is very similiar to Trouble but I like it better than trouble, you play with cards instead of dice but very similiar.
I have an iPhone and the kids have iPod touches so we play a lot of games on those.  One of our favorites while traveling is Trivial Pursuit.  My wife controls the phone and when it is my turn she "rolls" the dice, tells me my category options and asks me the question.  When it is her turn or the kids they pass the phone around and take their turns.  We also have Monopoly and Yahtzee. 

In some ways the board games are more fun, but the electronic versions are very convenient.

Last time out i was playing Yahtzee at the dinette with my wife, daughter and youngest son while i played Trivial Pursuit with the oldest while he was on the couch.

Beyond that i am completely addicted to Bejewelled Blitz for Facebook and the iPhone
Does anyone do jigsaw puzzles in their RVs? And how do you handle it? One of those roll-up thingies? Or just leave it on the dining table until you're finished? I've got puzzles under the dinette seat but I'm afraid to pull them out until I know what to do with them !

Wendy I have done 1000 piece puzzles on our coffee table using a piece of poster board that I bought at Office Depot.  What is nice about that is you can move it someplace else when you need the table.  Another thing is that you can turn it when working on it to bring the area you are doing closer to you.  The board is big enough to put all the pieces on it, too.
Poster board sounds good but where do you move it to when you're not working on it? Keep in mind that the dashboard belongs to Gordon :)

I keep it under the bed or if you don't have room under the bed you could put it under the mattress.
Lorna said:
I keep it under the bed or if you don't have room under the bed you could put it under the mattress.

Under the mattress....perfect ! I hadn't thought of that.

Wendy; my sister simply puts a tablecloth right over the puzzle and pretends it is not there. Then you use picnic table clamps to hold the table cloth in place.  Whip off the tablecloth when you want to work on the puzzle. Add placemats when you want to eat. Bingo!
We have a thin piece of paneling almost tabletop size that we use for holding jigsaw puzzle pieces.  When we want to use the table for other things, we just put the piece of paneling in the open area above the shower door.  The paneling is stored in the MH basement when not being used.  Works great until you want to take a shower.  ;D ;D
You guys have so many good ideas. Now I don't have to take that 1000-piece Disney puzzle out of the motorhome, I can do it on the next long trip !

I love the over the shower idea to store the puzzle when extra space is needed.  Why didn't I think of that?  I use a large piece of acrylic placed on top of a folding 2 foot by 4 foot table, but dimensions usually restrict my choice of puzzles to 500 pieces.  I use paper plates to sort puzzle pieces by area of interest.

We have friends in another state that we meet up with at different campgrounds. We played "Trivial Pursuit" when they lived down the block from us and when we meet up we have continued that ritual. We also just bought a Wi and have plans to incorporate that into our RV entertainment. We have seen quite a few RV'ers with the Wi sets too.
If I am alone, or if my gf is asleep I will play a video game.

If we have friends with us, we will whip out some cards, such as BS, poker (old school poker), go fish, or war.

If it's just my gf and I we will play a game or 2 of jenga, or some times... :) an adult board game... :)

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