Which are the best stealth camping rigs?

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John Smedrue

Active member
Jun 8, 2023
Box Truck campers
Step Van Campers
and others
Which are the best for stealth camping at night in cities and smaller towns in California?
If you want to wander around in a van this movie might offer some inspiration.

My conclusion was that living this life would be depressing as h3ll...

I agree with Ex-Calif about it being depressing but something that looks like a commercial vehicle would probably be the stealthiest. But that would probably mean no windows, and what are you going to do about water, power and waste?
Box Truck campers
Step Van Campers
and others
Which are the best for stealth camping at night in cities and smaller towns in California?
And the owners most likely to be robbed and never seen again.
Yeah, something that looks like a beat up rental or moving truck, no windows, or visible A/C and utility hookups. Anything that even remotely looks like a camper will make you stand out immediately. Which translates to you're living in a sealed box which I guess is better than a tent. I guess it all depends on how long you want to go autonomously. A few days you're probably OK in a van or SUV, much more than that and the logistics of water and power start to push you into a larger truck.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
The "no windows" problem can be solved with a camera and dedicated TV screen mounted to the wall with curtains on the side.
I've always wondered why hotels don't do something like this. One camera and you could push a live feed to every room. Oceanfront view (or whatever the local attraction) in every room.
Outside of a U Haul type box truck that just may get towed or raise red flags if it does not move from one location after one night, any style camper can be made stealth and unable for folks to look inside by simply installing thin plywood cut to shape and fitted inside every single window. Paint the inside facing out black.

A van can have a black out drop sheet too behind the seats in addition to the normal front window screens. Anything that drives will need a front window curtain, that will draw attention anyway if the vehicle shows up on some road frequented by local residents or business owners in the area even for one night. Is there a reason that you wish to camp in cities, no matter the size or type in something that does not appear to be an rv?
Stealth camping is by definition illegal, otherwise there would be no need for stealth. That said, you'll find otherwise homeless people street camping in almost anything from tents on up to full fledged RVs in many California cities. Not the sort of thing I'd want to encourage.
Box Truck campers
Step Van Campers
and others
Which are the best for stealth camping at night in cities and smaller towns in California?
Not a fan of the illegal camping in residential neighborhoods. From my experience the occupant has no common courteously. The few that have been in our neighborhood leave trash and human waste as a gift for the homeowners to deal with.
This question seems to come up more often than we would like,, and usually from California,, obvious what's going on..I am so thankful to have gotten out of there in 1990 after 28 years....>>>Dan
Move somewhere where you can afford to live in a real apartment or a commercial campground that accepts people living there full time in real RVs. It would be much safer for you and your belongings in another, cheaper state that way. Living in any kind of "stealth" camper would mean you would get your tires, wheels, and anything else removable stolen from you.

You would also be able to have a flush toilet, be able to take a shower, and enjoy the convenience of a refrigerator and kitchen, plus you would not get arrested for illegally camping.
It amazes me how many people think they're above the law. There is no such thing as stealth camping. It's illegal camping, or permitted camping. Your presence, not the vehicle, is the dead giveaway.
There are many neighborhoods that do not allow Uhaul type trucks to be parked on the street. Some neighborhoods have neighborhood watch programs and they take it serious. And some neighborhoods have people like our neighbor that makes it his life’s work to know everything that’s going on. Sure, you can find places to park your abode where folks don’t really care. Not guaranteeing you will survive the night but hey, might be worth a try.
Yeah, something that looks like a beat up rental or moving truck, no windows, or visible A/C and utility hookups. Anything that even remotely looks like a camper will make you stand out immediately. Which translates to you're living in a sealed box which I guess is better than a tent. I guess it all depends on how long you want to go autonomously. A few days you're probably OK in a van or SUV, much more than that and the logistics of water and power start to push you into a larger truck.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
I think windows are a give away. I was thinking of a camper ambulance.
I agree with Ex-Calif about it being depressing but something that looks like a commercial vehicle would probably be the stealthiest. But that would probably mean no windows, and what are you going to do about water, power and waste?
No windows probably a good idea
There is an entire sub-culture that has evolved around stealth camping, which does not necessarily fit in well with the general RV community. You may have better luck seeking out online forums that cater to stealth camping or even van life.
It does not seem there are a lot of stealth campers on this forum. What website would you suggest ? Thanks
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