Which are the best stealth camping rigs?

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Not a fan of the illegal camping in residential neighborhoods. From my experience the occupant has no common courteously. The few that have been in our neighborhood leave trash and human waste as a gift for the homeowners to deal with.
I didn't ask if the members here were a fan or other wise on stealth camping I asked about which rigs would be most stealthy
Best response is #2, find better advice/advisors on more better targeted forums. Come here for excellent advice from knowledgeable and friendly folks about issues with your rig, after you bought or built it.
Good idea does not seem to be alot of stealth campers here . if you have any suggestions let me know Thanks
It amazes me how many people think they're above the law. There is no such thing as stealth camping. It's illegal camping, or permitted camping. Your presence, not the vehicle, is the dead giveaway.
I wasn't asking who agrees of disagrees with the idea of stealth camping
That wasn't my question.
Move somewhere where you can afford to live in a real apartment or a commercial campground that accepts people living there full time in real RVs. It would be much safer for you and your belongings in another, cheaper state that way. Living in any kind of "stealth" camper would mean you would get your tires, wheels, and anything else removable stolen from you.

You would also be able to have a flush toilet, be able to take a shower, and enjoy the convenience of a refrigerator and kitchen, plus you would not get arrested for illegally camping.
Find a profile on here called Riley90. He tried to convert an old motorhome to make it full time liveable on the streets of California. Added all sorts of weight and had a lot of mechanical failures. Long story short I think that experiment was pretty short lived after ignoring lots of advice, and spending many thousands of dollars that could've otherwise been put towards real housing.
It does not seem there are a lot of stealth campers on this forum. What website would you suggest ? Thanks
If the stealth campers had websites, chat rooms and campfire sing alongs they wouldn't be very stealthy, would they?

When I lived in the Philippines in the 80's we had a couple of weekend destinations within a day trip away. You'd have to get there by car or bus, then negotiate a privateer Banca boat driver to take you to the island.

It was a paradise. Grass huts, daily catch of lobster, crab and fish delivered off the beach, awesome diving etc. Then the tourists started showing up, the girly bars opened and eventually "scheduled" ferry service. I went back like 10 years later and it was a crap hole with polluted beaches, overwhelmed infrastructure a "mid-range" hotel and one valley was half filled with garbage.

At the time it started getting popular, we just moved on to the next secret place.

If I knew any awesome places to Boondock I certainly wouldn't be posting about it here - LOL...
I've shared a couple of my favorites via private message with some people on here I wouldn't mind being camped next to if we both happened to be there at the same time.
Yeah. That's pretty much what happened to Puerto Galera - no secret anymore - LOL...

Word of mouth spread the news... Here's a photo of garbage valley...

Of course when you google Puerto Galera, you get stock photos of great diving and 12 feet of cleaned up beach - LOL...

Other than wanting to live on the street in California, from what I am gathering, I really don't know what your point is here. There are certainly better places to live in comfort without the many issues that we see taking place in most of the major cities in the state. You will surely stand out of you end up in some of the smaller cities .

Why do you wish to do just that, which has not been answered. Of course it appears you want to convert some non rv into a camper to begin with, as the comments have evolved now.

There are numerous conversions represented on the you tube channel called Cheap RV Living, if you wish to see some particulars on conversions. The owner actually did an ambulance conversion. But he has numerous videos discussing what people have done with them.

Where do you plan on doing your conversion and yes that costs too. But to live in some sort of comfort you will need the normal water and dump, even if you use a composting toliet at minimum, which requires a place to discharge your residue in some dumpster or someone elses garbage can.
I would guess a stealth camper with internet and money to buy a vehicle is trying to hide from somebody or something. Or using it for nefarious reasons.
The real starting point for the OP is Bob Wells’s website and YouTube channel. The Overlander groups cover stealth camping too, at least incidentally. This group is not really a good audience or resource for such discussions.
even if you use a composting toliet at minimum, which requires a place to discharge your residue in some dumpster or someone elses garbage can.
The waste from a compost toilet, if done properly, is dumped in a compost pile. We used peat moss in our compost toilet but some folks use ground coconut husks. After each use you turn the handle and after a few weeks you dump it into your compost pile. You can keep red worms in your compost toilet.
I didn't ask if the members here were a fan or other wise on stealth camping I asked about which rigs would be most stealthy
You're are asking people here to aid in an illegal activity. One that causes problems for people like us, e.g. onerous regulations and extra police attention. Kind of like asking for advice on the best getaway cars for bank robbers. We realize you don't think of it that way, but you won't get much sympathy here.
The waste from a compost toilet, if done properly, is dumped in a compost pile. We used peat moss in our compost toilet but some folks use ground coconut husks. After each use you turn the handle and after a few weeks you dump it into your compost pile. You can keep red worms in your compost toilet.
Sure, but where does a "stealth camper" keep his compost pile?
I wasn't asking who agrees of disagrees with the idea of stealth camping
Funny how laws have now become ideas. Stealth camping is illegal camping. Changing the description does not change the action. I "camp" legal because that is the considerate thing to do and following laws is what keeps us civil society.
This is what stealth camping looks like in my area. This is a really clean area. Most areas are covered in trash, junk and smells like on open sewer. Once they are moved out the area is full of batteries, empty propane tanks, non-running generators, bicycles and shopping carts. Just no respect for the land or the surrounding community. As people become less tolerant the RV's are replaced with the "Stealth" RV and move into residential neighborhoods. So this issue becomes my issue. My RV is in storage but when I bring it home to pack within 24 hours I get a notice to tow due to the negative attitudes towards RV's. My RV is clean and well kept but to most it is just another RV.
I have never heard of stealth camping so I looked it up one definition included leaving no trace behind so if someone leaves a mess then is it really stealth camping? It also sounds to me like not all of it is illegal if it is done in a place that allows it.

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