Unbreakable Corelle

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New Rv owner here. Just starting to outfit my rig. Was considering Corelle, but traveling with a pet, I'd be fearful of if one broke, my kitty would be finding all those minute splinters quicker than I could. Plus, I like leaving my shoes at the door. I guess I could always use my bare feet to find the bits of glass!
We've traveled with pets for many years, and also leave our shoes at the door. The chance of a Corelle piece breaking, even if dropped, is highly unlikely, and consider it a non-issue. In the case where I recently dropped a Corelle plate on the concrete patio, I immediately knew it had broken, and got out the vacuum cleaner to ensure there were no splinters left on the ground.
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New Rv owner here. Just starting to outfit my rig. Was considering Corelle, but traveling with a pet, I'd be fearful of if one broke, my kitty would be finding all those minute splinters quicker than I could. Plus, I like leaving my shoes at the door. I guess I could always use my bare feet to find the bits of glass!

We have a no glass policy in the RV. Same as when we were on the boat. Dishes and bowls are plastic.

The only exception are coffee mugs. Can't drink coffee out of plastic or stainless (unless "really camping")
For those deciding on tableware for their RV, crossing melamine (Melmac) products off your list is not a bad idea for anything you might use in the microwave.

"Foods and drinks should not be heated on melamine-based dinnerware in microwave ovens. Only ceramic or other cookware which specifies that the cookware is microwave-safe should be used. The food may then be served on melamine-based tableware."

For those deciding on tableware for their RV, crossing melamine (Melmac) products off your list is not a bad idea for anything you might use in the microwave.

"Foods and drinks should not be heated on melamine-based dinnerware in microwave ovens. Only ceramic or other cookware which specifies that the cookware is microwave-safe should be used. The food may then be served on melamine-based tableware."

Melamine also cuts when a sharp knife is used such as for steaks. Those little cuts can be wonderful breeding grounds for bacteria.
Yes -- Wicked Witch of the West, previous wife, threw a saucer at me. I dodged; it exploded when it hit the door frame -- needle sharp shards everywhere. (All I was doing was teasing her about rearranging the kitchen while she was on a business trip.)
Corelle has stores in a lot of the factory outlet malls, they sell single plates in all of the current production patterns. Handy if you break one.
Corelle has stores in a lot of the factory outlet malls, they sell single plates in all of the current production patterns. Handy if you break one.
That's okay. Last I heard, 28 years ago, she was in North Dakota -- Devil's Lake, I believe. She can have all the Corelle plates she wants.
That's okay. Last I heard, 28 years ago, she was in North Dakota -- Devil's Lake, I believe. She can have all the Corelle plates she wants.
I have a kid who lives in McVille. If I remember right, Devils Lake has the closest campground to McVille. We were looking because apparently Mcville has a law that wouldn't allow us to park our RV in the kid's yard, even for a visit. Strange for a town of like 150 people.
I have a kid who lives in McVille. If I remember right, Devils Lake has the closest campground to McVille. We were looking because apparently Mcville has a law that wouldn't allow us to park our RV in the kid's yard, even for a visit. Strange for a town of like 150 people.
Whatcha wanna bet some political adversary has one.
I always though Corelle was unbreakable too, until 2 days ago. We had food scraps on a Corelle plate on the floor (concrete floor) and I tossed the dog his ball. (rubber bouncy ball). It hit the plate. The plate flipped up on edge and fell back down again shattering into a thousand pieces of shards! That was one of the darndest things I've seen in a long time!
I always though Corelle was unbreakable too, until 2 days ago. We had food scraps on a Corelle plate on the floor (concrete floor) and I tossed the dog his ball. (rubber bouncy ball). It hit the plate. The plate flipped up on edge and fell back down again shattering into a thousand pieces of shards! That was one of the darndest things I've seen in a long time!
I can't resist . . . . that's how the ball bounces.
Whatcha wanna bet some political adversary has one.
Nothing, because it wouldn't surprise me at all. They've also got a pit bull ban in the town and my kid had a pit when they first moved there. He had to jump through some hoops, but in the end, they let him keep the dog.

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