Coffee POT vs. Coffee MAKER

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davemittan said:
Heh heh - you figgered it out.  Actually, Diane uses the carafe thing.  I just use instant - a double strength amount of it.  That's what makes me so charming.

Humpf.   I'll bet you add water.   A real man just chews his.
Carl L said:
Humpf.   I'll bet you add water.   A real man just chews his.

LOL - I haven't tried that yet, Carl.  Can I get maximum caffeine extraction that way?
Keep it simple and FAST.  HOT, HOT, HOT water and instant coffee.  Morning add extra spoonful or two of instant and WAKE up.  Evening add Bailey's Irish Cream and watch the sun set.
Just got a  GSI 30oz "JAVA Drip" (also comes in 50oz.) Takes a #4 cone filter - or use the cloth filter that comes with it. Saw it in May issue of CampingLife.  Works Great. weighs 14oz.  Put alum perk pot in storage with elec coffee maker. Tried DunkinDonuts PHooooy.  Found YubanColumbian(Costco 44oz $4.50-couldn't pass it up)  Much better than the $$tarbuck$$ had been using - and a lot cheaper.

Up too late tonite -- too much coffee :D :D :D  Kate
Looks like you have it figured out.  Thought we would weigh in anyway.  SS perk pot.  Timer.  Makes it hot enough so you put rest in the SS thermos (C) for the rest of the morning.  As to instant:  How can that word make it thru a content filter in a coffee thread?  OK, maybe there is an instant out there that actually tastes like coffee. 

We bought a coffee maker, makes 2 mugs, using 2 filters from Camping World, uses #1 filters.  Works OK, but perked is better.  That one is in storage trailer now.
OK Maddog, I just looked up the maker you got.  My prediction, you will have the percolator in the cupboard soon. 

Been using it for almost a week now ---  still like it.  But then am more used to drip than perk anyhow. ;D ;D(used to be perky now just a drip) :D :D
Holy Smokes...

drip vs perk vs egg shells in the pot...

doesn't anyone just pop a spoon full of instant in their mouth anymore and just wash it down with some orange juice?
Instant.  sorry, but yuck. :p

I like drip as well as perk, but if I can only have one, it will be the perk.

Now, cowboy coffee, please post directions.

Bill, I am surprised at you. At your age you should know that all you you need is a small pot of water over the campfire, heat to boiling then dump in a medium handful of coffee and let it boil/simmer for about 5-10 minutes. After you wait that long, any coffee  will taste great.

  There may be a more scientific way, but don't bet on it.

carson FL
I think there is a trick, like pouring in some cold water at the end to settle the grounds.  This is what Jolene remembers about he Dad doing.  I read that link, and the author says to just remove th cover.  Jolene's Dad didn't us a cover if I remember right.

My grandpa used to crack and egg into the pot to settle the grounds. I didn't think it worked very well and his coffee tasted like an egg. My grandma said to use only the eggshells on the bottom of the pot, her's tasted better but was still full of grounds. I worked in the mountians of Utah with 3 real cowboys for a summer when I was 14 and One of them had a porcelain pot with a perk tube and strainer that you set into it full of coffe. That worked great and is what I use over the fire today. You still get a few grounds to add to the experiance and the coffe is good. The Boss Gary hated coffe that way and would only drink it when we were in a hurry. He would do almost exactly as the posted recipe but would move the pot off the fire onto a small bed of coals and pour in 1/2 cup cold water then let the grounds settle a few minutes and his coffee was good but still had grounds like grandma and grandpa's. For the record I love having a few ground in there and it tastes better if done on the fire not on a stove. Then there is the trick to pouring it without loosing and hair or skin.


going to the desert this weekend and looking forward to a few ground in my Joe
for a perculator on the stove, are there any recomendations  on style of coffee,  or Just reg coffee?
I'm not a starbucks person, but more like a "gimme some coffee" type!
for the record, home is drip style, and whats ever on sale for brand/ type.
in the RV, have been known to use instant, but prefer perc'd,
we enjoy the heat  that the stove produces as a side benefit.
Instant.  ughhhh.  We have a drip maker for most days, but if we are loading the thermos for a trip, we perc.  Our drip pot is a 5 cup, we have a 10 cup and a 20 cup percolator. 


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