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We went to a new place in town that has wood fired pizza. The pizza oven looks like the one in the restaurant we had pizza at in Naples Italy. This pizza was just as good as the one in Naples.
We just tried something a bit different. Open a can of Pillsbury's crescent rolls, roll them out flat (light finger pressure only, not a rolling pin) on a cookie sheet (we put parchement paper under them), pinch the perforated areas closed, then spread pizza sauce, add pepperoni and/or other toppings, to taste, smother in mozzarella cheese, sprinkle with parmesan cheese, then bake in a 375º oven for 9-13 minutes 'til the crust is done and cheese is melted. Surprisingly good and just takes a few minutes to fix them.

We've also done a tad different, taking the rolls apart as if you were going to make the individual crescent rolls, then spread a little pizza sauce, place three pepperonis just slightly overlapping each other in the center, then maybe a little green pepper and/or onion, perhaps a sliced black olive, then carefully roll it up and place on the cookie sheet, and put in the oven at 375º as above for 9-13 minutes.

Good stuff either way.
I have realized that my body doesn't react well with bread, so I started making my own carnivore pizza (aka meat-zza) using turkey or pork sausage as crust. I bake it until the meat is cooked, then I top it with whatever I want and re-bake it until the cheese and veggies are melted. I think I actually prefer it over traditional pizza.

I have tried ground beef for crust and it wasn't quite as good, IMO.
This thread was bound to come back at some point, it's pizza.
If I have time I like to make my own dough, but tortillas are quick and work great if you like a thin crispy crust.
No matter what you use for crust, a great tip I learned is to bake most of the way without cheese. This allows your toppings to evaporate moisture, which concentrates flavor. It also keeps the crust from getting soggy. Cheese will trap all the moisture, so wait, pull out your pie and add the cheese for the last couple minutes of cooking.
I have realized that my body doesn't react well with bread, so I started making my own carnivore pizza (aka meat-zza) using turkey or pork sausage as crust. I bake it until the meat is cooked, then I top it with whatever I want and re-bake it until the cheese and veggies are melted. I think I actually prefer it over traditional pizza.

I have tried ground beef for crust and it wasn't quite as good, IMO.

This is out of my field but usually if your body does not react well to bread it's just one ingredent (I do know what it is but again not my field) I have a few friends who have that problem.
Look for forums dedicated to McAffrey's PERN (Forumaina forums Welcome to Forumania's Forum Center! - Forumania will have one and look for Marilyn Alm.. She is ..... better at that than I and can point you farther.

Alas she is unable to get past the Captcha to join in here.
Oh PERN (Planet Earthlike Resources Negligible) is Science Fiction
While I have to put up with the nonsense I get from my Italian buddy who lives in Reno, I like Hawaiian Pizzas with pineapple the best of all.

Here is why I should NOT like pineapple on pizza. He sends me stuff like that each time I tell him I ordered one.

But this is my favorite pizza of all:

A tropical treat! Grilled chicken, crispy bacon and juicy pineapple on KC Masterpiece® BBQ sauce.

Which I order from here.

-Don- 79765
While I have to put up with the nonsense I get from my Italian buddy who lives in Reno, I like Hawaiian Pizzas with pineapple the best of all.

Here is why I should NOT like pineapple on pizza. He sends me stuff like that each time I tell him I ordered one.

But this is my favorite pizza of all:

A tropical treat! Grilled chicken, crispy bacon and juicy pineapple on KC Masterpiece® BBQ sauce.

Which I order from here.

-Don- 79765
Sounds good to me Don. Hawaiian pizza properly sauced it very good. Grilled chicken, yum!!!
While I have to put up with the nonsense I get from my Italian buddy who lives in Reno, I like Hawaiian Pizzas with pineapple the best of all.

Here is why I should NOT like pineapple on pizza. He sends me stuff like that each time I tell him I ordered one.

But this is my favorite pizza of all:

A tropical treat! Grilled chicken, crispy bacon and juicy pineapple on KC Masterpiece® BBQ sauce.

Which I order from here.

-Don- 79765
In an episode of Blue Bloods, Erin Reagan ( Ass't DA) is telling her investigator, Anthony, who is Italian, that her favorite pizza is Hawaiian. Anthony says " anyone who'd put pineapple on a pizza is dead to me".
"I have realized that my body doesn't react well with bread"

My daughter developed the same problem and went gluten free for a few years. Oddly enough, I found out what her problem was through a round about way and she isn't gluten intolerant. She is allergic to glypsophate (like me but she is more sensitive to it). She can eat bread products made with King Arthur Flour with no problems. King Arthur is a milling company that refuses to buy wheat from farms that use glypsophate (aka Roundup) to "speed-ripen" the wheat. There are others but I know that King Arthur is consistent about the glypsophate ban. And they have a good bread flour.

I didn't know that glypsophate and wheat was a thing until I happened to read an article about it on a King Arthur website. After doing a bit of research on my own, I discovered it is a very common way of getting more of the wheat grains to "ripen" faster while dying faster. The time between spraying and harvesting is so short that much of the glypsophate remains in the seeds prior to milling. And this is an accepted practice in the US.

My daughter still buys a lot of gluten free stuff. Mostly because it usually doesn't have High Fructose Corn Syrup (her other bad allergy culprit).

The HFCS kicks a lot of frozen pizzas out for us. We read a lot of labels.
We discovered using tortillas for the crust a couple years ago. Fry them on a flat griddle so they get nice and crusty, then put your sauce on, then the toppings, then finally the cheese.

We use the Keto friendly tortillas (very, very log in Carbs tortillas) and the pizza come out great.

Fry up the sausage / hamburger / ham / chicken / any other meats separate and then sprinkle it on top of the sauce.

Works great for us. But every now and then, we do order one from Pizza Hut.
While I have to put up with the nonsense I get from my Italian buddy who lives in Reno, I like Hawaiian Pizzas with pineapple the best of all.

Here is why I should NOT like pineapple on pizza. He sends me stuff like that each time I tell him I ordered one.

But this is my favorite pizza of all:

A tropical treat! Grilled chicken, crispy bacon and juicy pineapple on KC Masterpiece® BBQ sauce.

Which I order from here.

-Don- 79765
In an episode of Blue Bloods, Erin Reagan ( Ass't DA) is telling her investigator, Anthony, who is Italian, that her favorite pizza is Hawaiian. Anthony says " anyone who'd put pineapple on a pizza is dead to me".
I had never heard of pineapple on pizza until I was 20-years-old and traveled to Vancouver, BC in 1978 for my grandparents 50th anniversary. Several cousins and I went out one night to a real good pizza place - one of those where they have a pizza the size of a trashcan lid, and if you can eat the whole thing in one sitting you get free pizza every week for a year - and while we were deciding to order I had to use the bathroom. I told them I don't care, as long as there are no anchovies, and I excused myself. By the time I got back, they had already ordered.

It was kind of dark in the restaurant and when the pizza arrived I couldn't really see it very well, but I grabbed a slice and took a bite. And almost spit it out. It tasted strange, so I was poking around with my fork and a cousin asked what was wrong. I asked, "What are these little yellow chunks?" She said, "Pineapple." I about threw up.

Who puts fruit on pizza (yes, I know pineapple is actually a berry)? Does anyone slice up oranges or blueberries on it? No, they don't. I spent half my time for the next hour picking that stuff off and haven't had pineapple on a pizza since. And I love pineapple, but blechh...
Just about everybody.

Are you aware that a tomato is a fruit?

The main difference between a vegetable and a fruit are seeds. Seeds make a tomato a fruit.

-Don- 79765
Ah c'mon, Don. You know what I meant. Nothing sweet tasting and full of sugar should be mixed with anything made of meat. An avocado is a fruit, and although not sweet I wouldn't put that on pizza either. Although I love avocados.
Tule, I admit I love fruit and pork - peach is especially good. A chutney is a fabulous topping for many meat dishes, and those are fruit based. Then we have all the Chinese dishes that are based on sweet sauces like orange chicken. And let’s not forget mole (pronounced MOH-lay) sauce made with chocolate and spices. Many variations are fairly sweet.
Don. You know what I meant. Nothing sweet tasting and full of sugar should be mixed with anything made of meat.
When it comes to taste, such rules do not count, in my book. There is nothing tastier, IMAO, that the Pineapple Chicken Luau Pizza from Mtn. Mike's.

Try one sometime and get back to me!

-Don- 79765
When it comes to taste, such rules do not count, in my book. There is nothing tastier, IMAO, that the Pineapple Chicken Luau Pizza from Mtn. Mike's.

Try one sometime and get back to me!

-Don- 79765
Mountain Mike's makes the best, but they don't have them within 250 miles of me. Still don't want no dang fruit...on my pizza, I mean. :sneaky:
Mountain Mike's makes the best, but they don't have them within 250 miles of me. Still don't want no dang fruit...on my pizza, I mean.
I have a Mtn Mike's near my Auburn, CA as well as my Reno, NV house.

But just now went to their website.

I now see, by far, most of them are in CA.

They use a different (white) sauce on the Pineapple Chicken Luau Pizza. It goes good with the pineapple, chicken and bacon. No tomatoes. Tomato sauce would be lousy on this pizza, IMO.

But I am sure you will not find it in Italy! IMO, the better Pizzas are made right in the USA anyway, even if far from original.

-Don- 79765

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